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Post University Blog

This month we are highlighting influential women at Post University in honor of Women’s History Month. Read more at Women of Post.

Alisa Hunt, Ph.D., CPA
Director of Graduate Programs Program Chair, Master of Science in Accounting

What inspired you to enter the field of education, or got you started on your professional path?

I began on my professional path when I went back to school in my early 20’s. I went back to school because I had gotten somewhat bored and wanted more challenges. I took a bookkeeping class, found it easy and after looking around at careers decided I could become a CPA.

The path to education was similar in that being a CPA was becoming less challenging to me. I took a detour and opened a restaurant, became a chef, built houses, started corporate training and started to finally find that helping others by teaching them really spoke to me. I kept hearing from people that they wished they’d had me in college because things would have been clearer. It made me start thinking that higher education might be just the thing – so here I am.

Who was your female role model? Yes, you can credit your mom.

While it may be cliche’ I do need to credit my mom. My mom was an amazing woman. She always treated me as though I could accomplish anything. She challenged my thinking, she was my biggest cheerleader and my most honest critic.

When I was young and growing up she did an amazing job of exposing me to a large variety of options. Rather than expose me to traditional “girls” toys she exposed me to things like microscopes, wood burning, and building sets, chemistry sets, telescopes, pastels and charcoals and more. She provided me with books galore and I’m still a bibliophile today!

She would ask me questions on a variety of topics and treated me with respect when I gave my opinions. My mom was grace in any situation. She raised us largely by herself (my dad was in the Navy) and managed on a budget – but we never knew we were on a budget. She provided laughter and joy in our home and is one of the reasons I love old musicals and Star Trek!

I could go on, but I suspect space is limited – suffice it to say she was extraordinary.

Do you want share your interest or involvement in a community organization?

While I have not had the time to be as involved as I would like in recent years. I have a special place in my heart in organ donations.

My brother recently had a liver transplant from an organ donor and it’s not as easy to get as some people might believe. Many people are near death before a donor can be found due to how one qualifies to get an organ. More donors can help more people get the help they need before it is too late.