Post University is currently accepting applications for a four-year, full-tuition scholarship named in honor of the late Malcolm Baldrige, the namesake of the university’s acclaimed business school who served as U.S. Secretary of Commerce from 1981 to 1987.
This scholarship has a far-reaching impact beyond tuition assistance. This is what past Scholarship recipients have said when asked what the scholarship has meant to them:
Anthony Gugliotti (2019 recipient) – “Receiving the Malcolm Baldrige scholarship is a very big accomplishment. Knowing that I was able to accomplish something many people only dream of has inspired me to work hard in school and to prove to myself and Post that I am worthy of receiving such a high honor.”
Emily Tarko (2020 recipient) – “I’m just very thankful and grateful to have received the scholarship. It just goes to show how much the hard work I’ve put in is paying off. It’s pushing me to be the best that I can be in the classroom, to put my best effort in and to challenge myself.”
Students interested in the scholarship can find the application on the website: Malcolm Baldrige School of Business Scholarship & Application. Students can also request an application via email: [email protected]. The deadline for completed applications is February 1, 2022. The winners will be notified by March 1, 2022.
Eligibility for this scholarship is limited to full-time, main campus students admitted to Post University for Fall 2022 enrollment who have at least a 3.65 grade point average. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, SAT/ACT scores will not be used to determine this year’s recipients. However, if you feel your test scores help strengthen your overall application, we encourage you to submit your results. Other eligibility criteria apply.
Applications must include a personal resume, two letters of recommendation from a teacher, employer or another individual who addresses the applicant’s academic abilities, and a 500-word essay on the concept of “social responsibility” and the role it plays, or should play, within organizations. All completed materials should be sent, via email, to Virginia Folger: [email protected].
The winners of the Malcolm Baldrige Scholarship shall be announced by March 1, 2022. Students will enroll and attend classes at the University’s campus in Waterbury, CT.
Students can remain eligible for the Malcolm Baldrige Scholarship each year by maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better and sustaining status as a full-time residential student pursuing a degree at The Malcolm Baldrige School of Business at Post University.