Written by Katie Shpak, University Writer
The thought of juggling both work and class can often be a roadblock for some who’d like to go back to school. For Tammy Millan, a 2021 graduate and Baldrige Scholar, who works for the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, her decision to pursue her master’s degree at Post University was endorsed by her coworker and supervisor, John Biello.
Biello, deputy commissioner of the department, encouraged Millan to pursue her Master in Business Administration at Post, as his experience earning his Masters in Public Administration was insightful and beneficial to his career.
“Post has been an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience for me,” said Biello. “Tammy has the work ethic and leadership qualities that will carry her far in her career. I felt that Post would offer Tammy the educational tools necessary to mold her into a future leader at the department.”
In addition to Biello, five others in the department earned their degrees at Post.
Millan earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting in 2007. Her aspiration to further her education was put on hold while Millan raised her two children. In 2019, she not only felt it was the right time to devote to earning her master’s degree, but she also voiced that she wanted to show her children, “it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.”
Millan has been working in the Audit Division at the CT Department of Revenue Services for 13 years and was promoted in October 2020 to a supervisory position.
“My plans are to continue to build on the business management and leadership skills and qualities I learned at Post while pursuing my MBA with a concentration in leadership,” said Millan. “I hope to make a positive impact as a leader within my organization.”
While pursuing her degree, Millan felt supported among many avenues. She shares that her instructors were always quick to respond and made the discussion board conversations interesting and engaging. She expresses that throughout these discussions, “I enjoyed talking to and hearing the perspectives of my classmates who all came from different walks of life and had unique ideas and experiences to share. I learned a lot from interacting with these folks.”
Millan completed her MBA in December 2020, earning the Baldrige Scholar Award, which represents the top five percent of those graduating with a degree in business.
“These are high-achieving and resilient students who bring a diverse set of ideas and backgrounds to Post,” said Malcolm Baldrige School of Business Dean Jeremi Bauer. “They are going to be movers and shakers in business and in industry because they have a proven commitment to excel.”
Millan shares, “My most valuable takeaways were my interactions with both my instructors and my fellow classmates, and the support I received from other staff at Post like my advisor, Alan Kingsley. All of these things combined made for a very positive and fulfilling journey while I was at Post.”