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Post University Blog

Kat Takita



School Attended: Post University, Class of 2021

Major: Psychology with a minor in Human Services

Toughest Class:  Neuropsychology. It is a very complex topic with a lot of new vocabulary and very specific functions

Favorite Class: Writing in the Sciences helped me hone  my scientific writing skills

Favorite hangout?  The library was a great place to meet up with teammates and classmates to bang out an essay or homework assignment


How far away was your family?  I live in RI, so my family was never more than 2 hours away. It was a difficult transition, not seeing them every day, but it was also nice to explore my independence

Favorite dining hall meal or favorite go-to meal:  My sophomore year, my roommates and I made a lot of minute rice, canned soup, and pizza rolls. But the best meal by far on campus was chicken parm night

Did you work while in school?  My sophomore and Junior year, I worked for disability office as a note taker in eligible student’s classes

Song on the radio:  Turning out by AJR

kat standing with friends at PostDid you know anyone at your school freshman year?  I was fortunate enough to know a lot of girls on the hockey team

Name something you tried.  Did you stick with it?  I applied for an RA position for my sophomore year and was denied. This was frustrating, but I worked on my confidence, which was one of the reasons I didn’t make the cut. Going into my Junior year, I applied again, and was asked to be an alternate, meaning I could be called in if they needed another RA. I went and asked what I needed to work on while I waited to hear back and was told once again that need to become stronger in my confidence and personal voice. I accepted this and started focusing more on improving myself. I was called later that year to join the team. This year, I reapplied and was asked to be the Head RA in upper classmen housing. Never discount personal growth and your own ability to make the changes you need to in order to succeed

True Story:  My freshman year, I considered transferring. I was having a tough time connecting with my teammates, I felt like I wasn’t being challenged in the classroom, and I started to feel very isolated. I met with my advisor and my program chair to talk out how I was feeling and to figure out how to transfer credits, and they completely turned my life around. My program chair set me up with a few honors contracts to help make the work a little more challenging for me, and my advisor pointed me towards the student government and its clubs. Flash forward to junior year, and I am now an RA, recipient of Deans list honors, the psychology program chair award, a Fulbright Internship opportunity, and secretary of the Student Government. I’ve met so many new people and have made lifelong friends at Post, and none of it could have happened if it hadn’t been for the people who listened to my concerns in Spring 2018.

What’s one thing you wish someone had told you during your first year?  It’s okay to take a break. College is a great time to get to know new people and get involved in lots of new things, but sometimes you just need a few minutes to yourself. You are the best version of yourself when you are TAKING CARE of yourself.