Sabrina Martino
School Attended: Post University, Class of
Major: Child Studies with a Double minor in Human Services and Psychology
Toughest Class: Algebra and Statistics
Favorite Class: Drawing and Children’s Literature
Where did you spend most of your time? In my friend’s dorms hanging out
Did you live on campus? Yes!
How far away was your family? 20 minutes away
How often did you go home? On the wekeends
Roommate troubles? I roomed with my best friend freshman year so that made the transition a lot less scary. We would bump heads sometimes, just because we would be with each other all the time. But it made my freshman year less scary
Favorite dorm room: I really liked Pap Hall because it wasn’t as loud and it was small. So, the halls and bathrooms were never crowded
Favorite dining hall meal or go-to meal? My favorite meal was dining hall meal would be Pizza
Did you know anyone at your school freshman year? Yes, I am from Waterbury therefore, a lot of people I graduated high school with attended Post University too!
Did you work while in school? Yes, I worked as an RA, Notetaker and I worked outside of school as a teacher’s aide and lifeguard
What’s one thing you wish someone had told you during your first year? It is okay to change your major and do what you love.