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Post University Blog

By Kathryn Shpak, Storyteller 1

Over the past few years, Post has really been working towards bridging the gap between main campus and online students. One recent change towards this goal has been the creation of the online senator position with the student government association (SGA). Historically, the SGA has been comprised of main campus sophomore, junior and senior students. By expanding to include online students into the SGA, the university aims to give remote students representation, as well as a sense of community

This opportunity allows online students the chance to be involved with the SGA, which is one of three governing bodies that represent students at Post. The SGA also oversees the 13 university clubs, which are open to all students.

24-year old senior, Jerrod Pass, who is attending Post full time to achieve his bachelor’s in Business Management, is the first online student to become an E-Senator.  Pass has been a Senior Forklift Operator for the U.S. Army since 2012 and a Recruiter since 2018.  When Pass started looking to get back into school, the recruiters he worked with recommended Post. Residing in Massachusetts, the online program was perfect for Pass. Unfortunately, having lost his associate degree to a school without accreditation, Pass had to re-start his degree process. However, with his Joint Service Transcript (JST), Pass was able to convert over 50 credits. Now well on his way to achieving his degree, Pass decided to also become a part of SGA.

Always feeling a passion to lead, Pass is excited to have such a huge role in the changes being made at Post. “As the E-Senator, I want to make sure that the online students are readily equipped to succeed before, during, and after they graduate,” says Pass. “ I want them to feel like they are a part of the family at Post University by participating, attending, and having a say in school events and activities.”

While the E-Senator position serves as a beginning towards building an inclusive campus community, the results will only add to the opportunities for online students. Vice President of SGA Adrianna Morgan explains that the goal is to integrate more online students into the SGA Senate meetings and have them participate in the four committees overseen by the Executive Board Members. Online students will be provided with a number to call into the SGA meetings. Pass is currently creating an online platform that will include information discussed by the SGA team as well as a means of communication with one another.  They will be able to discuss events, conferences, and other material through messaging and video calls.

Hopefully, with Pass being the voice for online students, he will gain the interest of others to join. “Being an asset to a cause that is bigger than myself has always been my intention in life. I truly enjoy helping others succeed with their personal and educational goals,” says Pass.

Pass has already started discussing ideas via phone with the SGA President, and even made a trip from Massachusetts to come to campus and help out with the Main Campus MBA Open House. Pass is already beginning to devise plans and is eager to start working, hoping to be the change Post is striving to achieve.