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Post University Blog

March 14, 2020

Good afternoon Term 5 Students,

As you read in Thursday’s email from President Hopkins to the Post Community, effective Monday March 16, we will be offering our 8-week and 16-week campus courses virtually through Bb Collaborate. Main campus students have been asked to remain at home and all campus activities and events have been cancelled through March 30.  The health concerns associated with COVID-19 are fluid and variable, and this decision is consistent with the decisions made by most Colleges and Universities in the State of Connecticut.  Transitioning our campus courses to the online environment is an effective way to create ‘social distancing’, while maintaining the integrity of the education at Post University.

While the effect that our Post University COVID-19 Action Plan is having on our main campus students is relatively well-defined and obvious, we would be remiss as an institution if we did not acknowledge the effects that Action Plans being deployed by States and Townships across the country are having on you, our online students.  Please know that you are absolutely on our minds.  We know that having the unexpected burden/expense of childcare, the unexpected loss of revenue from a job that closes its doors, or the unexpected loss of access to Wi-Fi at a public location could impact the priority you are able to put on your studies.

My ask of you is that you please stay in touch with us… especially if you find yourself falling behind in your work.  Please share your concerns and any unexpected hardships with your instructors and your ASCs.  We are ready to be flexible with course deadlines while you navigate these new and unexpected priorities in your life.  And don’t forget that the resources that have been curated just for you on YOU@Post can provide a great way to manage stress, set goals and practice mindfulness.

Please know that we are ready to be here for you in any way that we can.

All my best,
Dr. Johnson