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This October the School of Arts & Sciences hosted STEAMtober – a month-long celebration recognizing the science, technology, equine studies, art, and mathematics disciplines. As part of STEAMtober, the English department held an open mic and poetry slam event at the Mattatuck Museum in Waterbury.  First-year Business Administration major Miles Maresch wrote and delivered an original poem during the program. Titled “Permanence of a Pen,” Maresch drew inspiration from an experience he had in high school when one of his teachers would only let him write using a pen. The poem chronicles his life’s journey to this point and how his aspirations, and the way he views himself, have changed between childhood and his first year in college.

Permanence of a Pen

Miles Maresch | ‘26

A pen with permanence
Not a pencil.
But a pen with permanence

I was born 2004…
I am one
Scratch out one
Write five
I begin to learn
Scratch out
I become a student
Scratch out
I am a learner

Scratch out 5
Write 10
I will be the BEST doctor in the history of time

Scratch out 10
Write 11
I will be a professional golfer

Scratch out 11
Write 16
I just want to finish high school

Scratch out 16
Write 17
I wish I could be a world-renowned model…
I live in Texas

Scratch out 17, write 18, scratch out Texas,
Write Connecticut
Scratch out I wish I could be…
It is time to write… I will be

A pen with permanence
Not a pencil.
But a pen with permanence

Even with a scratch out I will always be what is underneath.