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Post University Blog

This Week’s Activities and Events Highlights

  • Don’t Touch My Crown: A Black History Month Event
    Monday, February 27, 2023 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Eastern time | MacDermid 116
  • Red Cross Blood Drive On-Campus – Sign Up Here
    Wednesday, March 1, 2023 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern time | Leever Student Center Eagle’s Nest
  • Outside Scholarship Drop-In Information Session 
    Friday, March 3, 2023 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Eastern time | Traurig Library Lower Level – Brass City Room
  • Women’s History Month – Women in History Library Display Unveiling
    Friday, March 3, 2023 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. Eastern time | Traurig Library Upper Level

Check Out the University Calendar for Everything Happening at Post!

Eagles Fans – don’t miss out on any of the action – head on over to the Athletics website for upcoming competitions, season standings, stats, and links to game live streams. Don’t forget to tag your social media posts with #GoPostEagles – we’ll share our favorites on the digital screens around campus, on the official Post University accounts, and in this newsletter!

Weekly Wellness Corner

The Weekly Wellness Corner is brought to you by the Counseling Center – here, you’ll find content, tips, tricks, programs, and resources to help you thrive as a Post Eagle!

The Body-Mind Connection: 

3 tools to harness its power (mindfulness, breath/deep inhale and smile) 

Thoughts become words. 

Feelings become actions. 

Our thoughts can not only change our mental but also our physical wellbeing. 

The other way around, actions and bodily sensations (in the form of touch) give us the ability to heat our bodies up and circulate love. 

When we make use of simple practices, we will start to feel the abundance we carry within us. 

Online Student Government Association Corner

The OSGA Senate is excited to share some additional ways to recognize and celebrate Black History Month

Ways to honor Black History Month

  1. Visit the National Museum of African American History & Culture HERE
  2. Support Black-owned businesses
  3. Donate to charities that support Anti-racism, equity, and equality

Find out more ways to support the Black community by going to THIS link!

March is Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month, celebrated each March, commemorates and encourages the “study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in American Society.”  You can learn more about Women’s History Month by visiting this link.

Be on the lookout for programs and events all month long.

Career and Professional Development Info.


Upcoming Employer Spotlights

On-campus visits from organizations and individuals speaking about career paths.

Available all for on-campus and ADP students.  Credit will be given to honors students who attend. All attendees will be entered into a drawing for a gift card.

Join us in MacDermid 216 or participate virtually

  • RFPALOOZA & SIGNATURE BRAND FACTORY– Tues., Feb. 28th, 1:00pm – 2:00pm- Roger Chiocchi will discuss career paths and trends in Communication, Advertising and Marketing. ALL MAJORS
  • FASCIA’S CHOCOLATES–Tues., March 7th, 1:00pm – 2:00pm- Carmen Romeo will discuss what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and business owner. ALL MAJORS
  • WEBSTER BANK–Tues., March 21st, 1:00pm – 2:00pm- Michael O’Connor will discuss career paths in finance and banking. ALL MAJORS
  • CONNECTICUT SUN-Tues., March 28th, 1:00pm-2:00pm- A virtual presentation by Morgan Tuck, former UConn and WNBA athlete and currently the Assistant General Manager & Director of Franchise Development. Morgan will speak about her career as a professional athlete and working in Sports Management.

Mark Your Calendar! 

The Center for Career and Professional Development will be hosting its Spring 2023 Career Fair on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the Drubner Center on campus in Waterbury.  Be part of this exciting event, where you will have the opportunity to connect with employers from Connecticut and beyond who are hiring.  Please visit CCPD in North 103 to learn more about the career fair and register to attend.


Upcoming Town Halls for Baldrige School Students

Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming “Ask Me Anything” Town Halls with Dean Bauer

In-Person Main Campus Students Online Students and Virtual Main Campus Students
Submit a question: Join virtually: 
Submit a question:

Are You Graduating in May?

All students who are eligible to participate in our May 2023 Commencement Ceremonies on Saturday, May 13, 2023 have been sent more information.  Please check your email for this important message.

Preparing for Graduation
Before we celebrate together, there are a few tasks you need to complete:

  1. APPLY FOR GRADUATION – When notified by the University that you are eligible to participate in Commencement, apply for graduation.
  2. Once you apply for graduation, you will be sent more information on how to RSVP AND REQUEST GUEST TICKETS – Confirm if you are attending a commencement ceremony – and request guest tickets if needed.
  3. ORDER CAP AND GOWN EARLY – Order your commencement regalia by March 11, 2023.

If you have not received the email with the commencement information but feel you should have, please get in touch with your advisor:

  • Online Students: Call 203.568.1652 to speak with your advisor or another member of the advising team who can assist you
  • Main Campus Students: Visit Advising on the first floor of Torrance Hall

More information on all the weekend’s festivities celebrating this milestone can be found on the University’s Commencement website.


ICYMI: Baldrige Fireside Chats featuring Bryan Wilson ’90

Mark your calendar for the next Fireside Chats conversation with alumna Stephanie Dunn ’09, ’15 on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time.