Post University would like to congratulate all of the Eagles who made the President’s List for the Spring 2021 semester.
Wafa Abu Ghalyoun | Criminal Justice |
Ismael Adames | Management |
Hailey Aeppli | Early Childhood Education |
Erika Agee | Management |
Kristen Ahlf | Legal Studies |
Jerrod Alford | Accounting |
Marialis Alvarez Santiago | Psychology |
Thomas Amalfitano | Finance |
Bernice Amponsah | Child Studies |
Amy Anderson | Management |
Lexie Anderson | Psychology |
Mary Anderson | Management |
Patrick Anderson-Taylor | Computer Information Systems |
Sarah Andrade | Child Studies |
Robert Angulo | Psychology |
Jenna Antonaccio | Legal Studies |
Alexandra Apaldetti | Legal Studies |
Shorouk Arbach | Psychology |
Delaney Archer | Management |
Erica Arredondo | Criminal Justice |
Noraima Arroyo | Criminal Justice |
Kristina Aubrecht | Early Childhood Education |
Rodricuz Aubrey | Human Resource Management |
Angelo Avgerinos | Management |
Marci Ayala | Early Childhood Education |
Janet Bailey | Business Administration |
Ralph Baker | Psychology |
Savannah Barclay | Early Childhood Education |
Alura Barlow | Early Childhood Education |
Myah Basile | Business Administration |
Maria Batticani | Equine Studies |
Steven Baugh | Computer Information Systems |
Ashley Bayne | Psychology |
Amber Beard | Management |
Elizabeth Beaulieu | Criminal Justice |
John Bendure | Accounting |
Jennifer Bennett | Business Administration |
Erika Bernardini | Criminal Justice |
Daniel Bird | Marketing |
Chatanna Black | Early Childhood Education |
Scott Borgnis | Criminal Justice |
Georgina Bouchard | Criminal Justice |
Dara Boucher | Child Studies |
Amanda Bowling | Equine Studies |
Katrina Bragg | Human Services |
Sean Breckenridge | Computer Information Systems |
Danielle Brewer | Business Administration |
John Bridges | Criminal Justice |
Paul Britton | Business Administration |
Dakota Brown | Psychology |
Desiree Brown | Psychology |
Felicia Brown | Equine Studies |
Kayla Brown | Child Studies |
Samantha Brown | Psychology |
Tina Brown | Child Studies |
Joshua Buemi | Management |
Shana Bullard | Human Services |
Shanika Bunch | Criminal Justice |
Alexandria Burgener | Psychology |
Gabriele Burgholzer | Business Administration |
Ynette Burke | Early Childhood Education |
April Burkhart | Legal Studies |
Maggie Burton | Psychology |
Carmen Butler | Early Childhood Education |
Stephanie Butler | Human Resource Management |
Miguel Caban | Computer Information Systems |
Angel Cabrera | Criminal Justice |
Michel Calles | Equine Studies |
Jessica Calvert | Equine Studies |
Amanda Canady | Criminal Justice |
Tyler Cardella | Legal Studies |
Eboni Carpenter | Early Childhood Education |
Jordyn Carraway | Human Services |
Max Carrazana | Criminal Justice |
Kristy Carroll | Criminal Justice |
Dorinda Catino | Communication and Media Studies |
Taigan Caudill | Equine Studies |
Kristina Chapman | Psychology |
Amy Chastain | Accounting |
Yew Siang Cheong | Legal Studies |
Janell Chiaccio | Human Resource Management |
Amy Chiarelli | Child Studies |
William Chitwood | Business Administration |
Brandi Christopher | Psychology |
Cassandra Churchill | Finance |
Victor Cienega | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Alexis Clayton | Psychology |
Katrina Clodfelter | Early Childhood Education |
Keith Cloud | Human Services |
Leigh Clough | Psychology |
Ashly Coats | Early Childhood Education |
Todd Coelho | Criminal Justice |
Amanda Coffee | Human Resource Management |
Felicia Cole | Finance |
Meredith Coleman | Early Childhood Education |
Michael Condit | Business Administration |
Nicole Constant | Business Administration |
Haley Constantino | Criminal Justice |
Cynthia Cook | Child Studies |
Letrese Cook | Business Administration |
Megan Cooper | Equine Studies |
Perla Cora | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Karen Corredor | Human Services |
Cassandra Correll | Child Studies |
Meggie Corry | Legal Studies |
Paige Cosenza | Psychology |
Johanna Cotto | Criminal Justice |
William Coulston | Child Studies |
Catherine Cox | Management |
Tracy Crowe | Nursing |
Lia Cruz | Early Childhood Education |
Sandra Cunha | Equine Studies |
Sylvia Dahl | Accounting |
Garrett Daily | Finance |
Marissa Daly | Human Services |
Admire Dani | Finance |
Patricia Daniels | Human Services |
Christina Danko | Child Studies |
Leigh Davidson | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Shontel Davis | Accounting |
Lyndsay Dayfield | Psychology |
Ronald De La Cruz | Computer Information Systems |
Samana Delashmit | Early Childhood Education |
Patricia Delgardo | Human Services |
Yormin Dennys | Child Studies |
Yasodra Deodat | Human Services |
Brandie DeVore | Criminal Justice |
Holly Dexter | Equine Studies |
Jerica Diaz | Human Services |
Pier DiCero | Computer Information Systems |
Amanda Dolan | Psychology |
Lillian Doly | Marketing |
Benjamin Donnell | Human Services |
Amy Dorrell | Equine Studies |
Morgan Downs | Computer Information Systems |
Timothy Downs | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Amanda Duron | Psychology |
Katelyn Dwyer | Criminal Justice |
Theresa Easter | Psychology |
Kristen Eaton | Communication and Media Studies |
Linda Edmonds | Business Administration |
Tamekia Elliott | Child Studies |
Gregory England | Management |
Amber English | Human Services |
TiAna English | Legal Studies |
Christopher Ensling | Business Administration |
Jared Ensling | Marketing |
Ontario Erby | Management |
Melissa Esparza | Psychology |
Susie Espinoza-Hernandez | Accounting |
Gabrielle Everett | Marketing |
David Falcon | Finance |
Christina Favors | Accounting |
Sara Federici | Child Studies |
Joel Figueroa | Computer Information Systems |
Justine Firlein | Psychology |
Craig Flanagan | Management |
Ana Flores | Psychology |
Susan Flores | Human Resource Management |
Stephen Folger | Business Administration |
Martin Fonge | Legal Studies |
Julia Fontanez | Child Studies |
Erica Forsee | Management |
Melissa Foster | Accounting |
Maria Franco-Pepper | Psychology |
Maria Frasca | Child Studies |
Joseph Fry | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Meghan Fulk | Criminal Justice |
John Fulton | Management |
Jessica Gaines | Early Childhood Education |
Ashley Garcia | Criminal Justice |
Eric Garcia | Business Administration |
Laurie Gardipee | Human Services |
Kristan Garlick | Business Administration |
Jennifer Gaudino | Psychology |
Kelly Geiger | Child Studies |
Marylouise Gervase | Human Services |
Kenneth Gifford | Management |
Leslie Girard | Computer Information Systems |
Brittany Godby | Accounting |
Azariah Goldstein | Criminal Justice |
Hephzibah Goldstein | Psychology |
Eric Gomez | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Renita Gomez | Psychology |
Joelette Gonzalez | Legal Studies |
Lynn Goodwin | Accounting |
Tracey Gough | Psychology |
Robert Gould | Business Administration |
Kara Green | Equine Studies |
Antionette Griffin | Early Childhood Education |
Lindsay Griffin | Psychology |
Simone Gumbs | Accounting |
Hector Gutierrez | Business Administration |
Phyllis Gutierrez | Human Resource Management |
Angelica Guzman | Criminal Justice |
Abigail Gyampo | Child Studies |
Kayla Hageman | Psychology |
Jacob Hahn | Human Services |
Brooke Hall | Early Childhood Education |
Laymimtriss Hall | Business Administration |
Kimberly Hansen | Business Administration |
Amanda Hardison | Human Services |
Elizabeth Haro | Early Childhood Education |
Jennifer Haro | Early Childhood Education |
Ashley Harris | Management |
Kayla Harris | Legal Studies |
Jill Harvey | Accounting |
Jeannie Havens | Child Studies |
Kala Hawkins | Child Studies |
Candice Henderson | Psychology |
Tou Her | Accounting |
Cherise Hernandez | Human Resource Management |
Jonathan Hernandez | Business Administration |
Lisa Hernandez | Marketing |
Jennifer Herzberg | Early Childhood Education |
Rosa Hester | Criminal Justice |
Tela Hewett | Psychology |
Paula Higgerson | Human Services |
Renata Hillegas | Equine Studies |
Sara Hines | Legal Studies |
Angela Louise Holcomb | Early Childhood Education |
Bridgette Holm | Human Resource Management |
Jennifer Holmes | Business Administration |
Antonia Hopkins -Esprit | Criminal Justice |
Lila Hopkins | Criminal Justice |
Kisha Howard | Psychology |
Jessica Hurst | Early Childhood Education |
Miranda Hutchins | Early Childhood Education |
Jessica Imbriaco | Equine Studies |
Yamile Inoa Khouri | Computer Information Systems |
Thaddeus Jackson | Psychology |
Tenisha James | Human Services |
Kayla Jennings | Business Administration |
Marquita Jennings | Child Studies |
Jennifer Jessie | Accounting |
Sara Jimenez | Human Resource Management |
Magnus Jnbaptiste | Psychology |
Destini Johnson | Communication and Media Studies |
Judy Johnson | Child Studies |
Molly Johnson | Business Administration |
Olivia Jolley | Human Services |
Kirstie Jones | Early Childhood Education |
Jessica Jonsson | Early Childhood Education |
Sean Jonsson | Criminal Justice |
Alana Joseph | Criminal Justice |
Jose Juarez | Management |
Ariel Karagodskiy | Computer Information Systems |
Jaleesa Keen | Psychology |
Vanessa Keithley | Psychology |
Alexis Kennedy | Legal Studies |
Stephania Kerrigan | Child Studies |
Terri King | Equine Studies |
Dianna Kintz | Equine Studies |
Jennifer Kloeppel | Equine Studies |
Erica Knight | Business Administration |
Jessica Knutzen | Psychology |
Enrida Kollcinaku | Business Administration |
Craig Konkle | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Gladys Kotey | Criminal Justice |
Brandie Kreder | Accounting |
Campbell Kruse | Management |
Joseph Kurth | Business Administration |
Marissa Lacey | Early Childhood Education |
Jaweria Laghari | Computer Information Systems |
Patricia Lanzaro | Human Services |
Daisy Larez-Ayala | Child Studies |
Chelsea Larkin | Human Services |
Cynthia Larkins | Business Administration |
Jasmine Leckrone | Early Childhood Education |
Adam Leinen | Management |
Annalise Lenihan | Child Studies |
Hannah LePage | Early Childhood Education |
Clarita Levin | Early Childhood Education |
Denisha Lewis | Business Administration |
Amy Li | Business Administration |
Horace Lindo | Management |
Kaylynn Lingle | Legal Studies |
Amanda Livingston | Human Services |
Jagath Liyana Gunawardena | Management |
Jason Logue | Human Services |
Samantha Lombardo | Child Studies |
Melissa LoSchiavo | Legal Studies |
Amanda Lowery | Equine Studies |
Allen Luna Lucero | Human Services |
Shaliza Lyken-Bogart | Management |
Natasia Lyles | Early Childhood Education |
Tina MacAloon | Psychology |
Clint Mackey | Business Administration |
Meilan Madsen | Psychology |
Sookrajh Mahadeo | Finance |
Barbara Mahler | Communication and Media Studies |
Trynyty Maltbie | Legal Studies |
Amara Malterud | Accounting |
Jeffrey Manson | Human Services |
Cory Marchman | Management |
Axer Marino | Management |
Keisha Marshall | Management |
Maria Martin | Criminal Justice |
Justina Martinez | Human Services |
Mariam Martinez | Psychology |
Samantha Martins | Management |
Devin Martz | Sport Management |
Jury Mata-Sandoval | Criminal Justice |
Jaimie Matthews | Accounting |
Kimberly Maturo-Hilt | Equine Studies |
Ethan Maxwell | Human Services |
Alexis McCardle | Equine Studies |
Angelia McClanahan | Business Administration |
Jacob McCullen | Management |
Brittani McDowell | Psychology |
Gary McDowell | Marketing |
Brooke Mcelroy | Human Services |
Ryan McGeshick | Marketing |
Danielle McGhee | Early Childhood Education |
Crystal Mcgregor | Human Resource Management |
Tiffany McKnight | Accounting |
Jesse McLain | Criminal Justice |
Samantha Mclean | Human Services |
Elizabeth McMillian | Criminal Justice |
Renee Medina | Human Resource Management |
Maylee Mejia | Child Studies |
Sasha Melendez | Child Studies |
Loretta Melton | Psychology |
Cristina Mendiola | Criminal Justice |
William Messner | Business Administration |
Venessa Micciche | Child Studies |
Michael Mikhail | Business Administration |
Amanda Mikolaitis | Human Resource Management |
Emily Miller | Psychology |
Susanne Miller | Equine Studies |
Alexis Monroe | Legal Studies |
Julia Montesdeoca | Business Administration |
Teresa Moreno | Computer Information Systems |
Peyton Morgan | Criminal Justice |
Esperanza Morgan-Barrot | Human Services |
Monique Morris | Early Childhood Education |
Joanne Morrison | Early Childhood Education |
Alicia Mosier | Human Services |
Melissa Mota | Human Resource Management |
Daniel Mott | Computer Information Systems |
Zachary Mueller | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Mary Mulcahy | Human Services |
Elizabeth Munoz | Child Studies |
Lakiesha Murphy | Human Resource Management |
Joshua Musial | Marketing |
Dawnena Muth | Computer Information Systems |
Talya Natlo | Child Studies |
Anita Negron | Early Childhood Education |
Jahsent Nelson | Criminal Justice |
Judy Nelson | Management |
Serene Nelson | Psychology |
Samuel Nimer | Business Administration |
Guinevere Nogueira | Legal Studies |
Bryant Noriega | Management |
Jessica Novack | Criminal Justice |
Laura OBrien | Human Services |
Luz Ocasio | Psychology |
Lorena Ochoa | Management |
Joshua Oille | Management |
Edwin Olivo Zayas | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Magdalena O’Neill | Child Studies |
Ashley Oquendo | Management |
Maria Orfanidis | Sport Management |
Zoe Orlosky | Criminal Justice |
Carlos Ortiz | Management |
Melissa Osbourne | Child Studies |
Megan Oszakiewski | Human Services |
Carly Ouellette | Psychology |
Ariana Pacheco | Human Services |
Raymond Pacheco | Sport Management |
Alexis Pacheco-Elorza | Business Administration |
Lena Padilla | Equine Studies |
Erika Paganini | Psychology |
Kimberly Palladino | Human Services |
Anthony Parham | Business Administration |
Isidora Patrick | Human Services |
MaryAlice Patrick | Legal Studies |
Alyssa Paul | Child Studies |
Lekisha Pegg | Business Administration |
Daisy Perez | Business Administration |
Kylie Perrin | Early Childhood Education |
Kaitlin Perry-McGlennen | Child Studies |
Amos Pettit | Criminal Justice |
Naomi Pham | Accounting |
Nichole Phillipp | Human Services |
Ashley Pierucci | Legal Studies |
Caleen Piper | Accounting |
Malerie Plourde | Computer Information Systems |
Erin Pochinski | Equine Studies |
Lucas Podpolucha | Business Administration |
Cynthia Ponce | Psychology |
Cheyenne Powell | Criminal Justice |
Philip Powell | Management |
Mindy Pratt | Psychology |
Sean Prescott | Management |
Moses President | Management |
Alexa Price | Psychology |
Jackie Pulley | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Anne Quinn | Legal Studies |
Joselyn Quintana | Accounting |
George Rachal | Accounting |
Michael Rader | Legal Studies |
Melissa Radice | Psychology |
Mark Raimo | Computer Information Systems |
Gaitree Ramgolam | Accounting |
Ashley Ramos | Psychology |
Christopher Ramos | Legal Studies |
Sammie Ramour | Human Services |
Janelle Rampersad | Child Studies |
Jennifer Rasmussen | Human Services |
Andrew Rasmussen-Tuller | Human Resource Management |
Stephanie Read | Human Services |
Jasper Redd | Finance |
Taylor Reed | Criminal Justice |
Cesar Reyes | Nursing |
Kiana Rhoden | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Elizabeth Richards | Equine Studies |
Sheriisa Richardson | Accounting |
Jessie Riden | Psychology |
Maria Ritter | Business Administration |
Nathalie Riviere-Mitchell | Business Administration |
Hailee Robinson | Equine Studies |
Emma Rocha | Psychology |
Cassandra Roderka | Early Childhood Education |
Ingrid Rodriguez | Psychology |
Nicole Rodriguez | Business Administration |
Samantha Rodriguez | Legal Studies |
Vivian Rodriguez | Accounting |
Gretel Rojas Diaz | Accounting |
Gerardo Rosales | Criminal Justice |
Susan Rosas | Human Services |
Kaila Rosenski | Early Childhood Education |
Aaron Ruggles | Criminal Justice |
Kenneth Rumble | Early Childhood Education |
Allen Rumrill | Computer Information Systems |
Jacqueline Rustowicz | Computer Information Systems |
Steve Ryan | Computer Information Systems |
Marie Saccomagno | Human Resource Management |
Loren Saldana | Early Childhood Education |
Sandra Saldana | Business Administration |
Judith Sanchez | Accounting |
Alex Sanders | Business Administration |
Ryan Sanderson | Management |
Amanda Sandrone | Early Childhood Education |
Etienne Santini | Criminal Justice |
Arnaldo Santos | Sport Management |
Joshua Savage | Business Administration |
Richard Savastano | Criminal Justice |
Sahvanna Scaletti | Business Administration |
Manuela Scheu | Equine Studies |
Alexa Schmidt | Business Administration |
Lucas Schneck | Business Administration |
Rachael Schweckendieck | Management |
Holly Sekiguchi | Human Resource Management |
Maribel Serrano | Human Resource Management |
Patricia Shaffer | Management |
Jade Shank | Human Services |
April Shapiro | Equine Studies |
Sonal Sharma | Psychology |
Ethan Shaw | Management |
Junevetric Shaw | Criminal Justice |
Annette Shelton | Psychology |
Tiffany Shepard | Accounting |
Samantha Sheppard | Psychology |
Aimee Sheren | Early Childhood Education |
Katrina Short | Criminal Justice |
Crystal Siblag | Early Childhood Education |
Holly Sigtermans | Early Childhood Education |
Samati Simmons | Human Resource Management |
Jeremy Simpson | Management |
Chelsey Sio | Psychology |
Ashley Smart | Human Services |
Aliena Smith Vargas | Human Services |
Brian Smith | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Justin Smith | Marketing |
Lisa Smith | Criminal Justice |
Nadine Smith | Management |
Deanna Smith-Powers | Psychology |
Samariah Snelgrove | Psychology |
Jordan Soleska | Equine Studies |
Anchit Soni | Business Administration |
Daniela Sotelo | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Jr Soto | Accounting |
Shebba Southall | Child Studies |
Autumn Spears | Early Childhood Education |
Joquina Spence | Child Studies |
Josephine Spencer | Psychology |
Amy Stafstrom | Equine Studies |
Shanin Starr | Criminal Justice |
Monica Steele | Early Childhood Education |
Ashley Stevens | Early Childhood Education |
Cassandra Stewart | Human Services |
Jonathon Stoffel | Management |
Mersaedese Stracener | Human Services |
Latonia Strickland | Legal Studies |
Mercedes Strohl | Human Services |
Saraswati Sulham | Early Childhood Education |
Timothy Sullivan | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Justin Summers | Equine Studies |
Matthew Sylvester | Management |
Kerri Taylor | Human Services |
Regina Taylor | Communication and Media Studies |
Danielle Thiel | Early Childhood Education |
Janay Thomas | Child Studies |
Letia Thomas | Early Childhood Education |
Tamarra Thomas | Early Childhood Education |
Jessica Thompson | Marketing |
Tiffany Thompson | Legal Studies |
Chasity Tillman | Early Childhood Education |
Nyeisha Tobin | Child Studies |
Allison Tortorici | Psychology |
Cyril Totimeh | Computer Information Systems |
Ashley Trembicki | Criminal Justice |
Christopher Truffa | Human Resource Management |
Phu Truong | Finance |
Stephanie Tyson | Psychology |
Abuba Umar | Management |
Maria Valentino | Management |
Samantha Vanatta | Human Services |
Betty Vandee | Management |
Sara Vanderbilt | Accounting |
Lynn Vanderschans | Sport Management |
Zoraida Vargas | Management |
Marni Velick | Computer Information Systems |
Ashley Villar | Child Studies |
Suzanne Voltz | Human Services |
Kristin Wachukwu | Human Services |
Teresa Wade-Coursin | Criminal Justice |
Omekia Walker | Child Studies |
Tracey Walker | Early Childhood Education |
Rosan Walters | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Joshua Washburn | Psychology |
Tiara Watts | Business Administration |
Chelsea Weaver | Legal Studies |
Elizabeth Weaver | Child Studies |
Cody Weese | Criminal Justice |
Melissa Weinheimer | Psychology |
Amanda Welch | Criminal Justice |
Sadey Welch | Business Administration |
Antoine Wells | Management |
Kara West | Early Childhood Education |
Juliet Whetstone | Accounting |
Le’Shaun Whitsett | Psychology |
Joseph Wilhelm-Stevens | Legal Studies |
Xavier Wilkie | Management |
Destany Williams | Legal Studies |
Harlean Williams | Management |
John Williams | Criminal Justice |
Margaret Williams | Business Administration |
Rashad Williams | Management |
Jacqueline Williams-Smith | Human Resource Management |
Shaun Willis | Business Administration |
Abi Willock | Criminal Justice |
Lejana Willoughby | Human Services |
Cara Wind | Marketing |
Ciera Winfrey | Accounting |
Megan Winters | Management |
Trisha Worley | Equine Studies |
Traci Wright | Criminal Justice |
Debra Yancy | Legal Studies |
Krishawnda Yansen | Management |
Heather Youngs | Equine Studies |
Michael Zastaury | Psychology |
Alexis Zaushny | Early Childhood Education |