Dean’s List – Spring 2017 – Campus Students
Students who earn at least 12 credits and maintain between a 3.5 and 3.75 term GPA during the grading period are eligible for Dean’s List. In order to be eligible, students must earn individual grades higher than a C and may not have an incomplete or W grade.
Ryan Acevedo | Daniel Hartnett | Alexandra Rodriguez |
Lea Adam | Madison Hicks | Peter Roessel |
Patrick Alves | Ozgur Horuz | Jose Roldan |
Joseph Alvord | Yesheng Jin | Brittany Roy |
Damani Ashton | Jack Kearney | Marie Sadoul |
Sabrina Boodley | Eddie Kochiss | Louis Santa Barbara |
Paul Bossardet | Brianna Koref | Amanda Santos |
William Boucher | Andrew Lagasse | Sara Selimovski |
Allyson Bourassa | Kendra Madia | Collin Shea |
Angelo Briglia | Nicholas Mancini | Bryan Sheppard |
Samantha Brostek | Max McCarthy | Kadeem Short |
Nicole Brown | Benjamin Mckenna | Matthieu Sicard |
Hannah Butler | Ryan Meady | Erika Signorile |
Angela Ciaramella | Shakera Moore | Caitlin Silva |
Viviana Ciprian | Matteo Moro | Nicholas Siwinski |
Samantha Cohen | Kalena Mueller | Jaylene Souto |
Michael Colucci | Tamas Okros | Matthew Spears-Mareno |
Kyle Crimmins | Nicholas Osebio | Kyle Squire |
Leticia Dacosta | Dominick Parente | Katherine Steele |
Giovanna Dainese | Eleodoro Perez | Michelle Tapia |
Devin Day | Bernard Peterson | Amber-Rose Thompson-Newth |
Shauna Dempsey | Anthony Petrillo | Armando Torres |
Evan Devico | Joseph Picone | Elias Torres |
Joseph Enderle | Kurtis Ricchezza | Shane Trost |
Isaac Fluker | Roman Richard | Lindsey Vanyo |
Emma Gaffney | Emily Riina | Jessica Ventura |
Jason Goja | Michael Roberts | |
Tyler Hackett | Saviel Rodriguez |
Dean’s List – MOD 3 and 4 – Online Students
Students who earn at least 12 credits and maintain between a 3.5 and 3.75 term GPA during the grading period are eligible for Dean’s List. In order to be eligible, students must earn individual grades higher than a C and may not have an incomplete or W grade.
Barryl Agurs | Nichole Greene | Carol Pacheco |
Khalid Ammari | Tod Gunther | Clarily Payano |
Fairrah Bacchus | Isabel Gutierres | Danielle Pecci |
Emil Baker | Nathan Hall | Jaime Perez |
Jessica Banholzer | Jon Harman | Dusty Perry |
Alexander Barnhart | Wesley Harrell | Parris Phelps |
Robert Beamon | Bobby Henry | Rachel Phillips |
Mustafa Berbic | Michael Hilliard | Jessica Prall |
Sheree Biggs | Randon Hogan | Sean Radix |
Ramona Billingsley | Camealla Holmes | Lindsay Richardson |
Brandon Boren | Chelsea Howard-Williams | Christopher Ricketts |
Jennifer Bournival | Amy Huddleston | Crystal Riley |
Jasmine Boyer | Candie Hughes | Rebecca Rios |
Donna Bright | Heather Hughes | Takima Robinson |
Richard Dwayne Britt | Sheree Hunter | Blake Roche |
Paul Brunelle | Casey Irby | Lionel Rodriguez |
Daniel Cardiel | Mary Jack | Niko Romero |
Gabriel Carling | Edward Johnson | John Rosa |
Randy Carlton | Milton Johnson | Lauren Roth |
Kayla Carpentier | Matthew Johnson | Racheal Rutherford |
Samantha Christian | Vinsque Jones | Laurie Safdie |
Jessica Clifford | Adam Jordan | Herman Sales |
Stefanie Clinton | Lisa Knapp | Bridget Sandoval |
Rikki Cobb | Shaun Kotko | Fred Sego |
Jennifer Cope | Sue Krueger | James Serafino |
Maria Coulter | Kelly Kruschel | Zachery Sherry |
Misty Cudzilo | Dashana Lawton | Maleisa Shiwbodh |
Gail Davis | Amanda Lebron | Brooke Silva |
Joceline Dawes | Erin Leporacci | Shannon Simonsen |
Lauren Dizenhaus | Heather Leslie | Crystal Skowronski |
Emanuel Dominguez | Jake Levesque | Tiangela Smith |
Monica Dominguez | Michelle Litke | Nichelle Smith |
Leslie Dunn | Carlos Lopez | Garrett Sorensen |
Lauren Durosko | Rachel Lustin | Jeffery Spicer |
Brianna Evans | Dawn Maclean | Nina St’cyr |
Kiana Familar | Sean Macwhinnie | Madison Stenabaugh |
Kayli Fisher | Rafat Maraj | Nicholas Strong |
Glenda Forde | Jonathon Mattex | Anthony Sutton |
Luka Franklin | Samantha Mayhew | Jon Sykes |
Jacob Frey | Kimberly Mccarthy | Jeanna Tate |
Yelena Fuzaylova | Pamela Mcmahon | Yesenia Torres |
N’Kiyah Galberth | Megan Milburn | Carlota Veras |
Francisco Gama | Olivia Miller | Yanira Villa |
Maria Garcia | Ashley Milliken | Jamie Vittorio |
Joseph Gentile | Kimberly Miranda | Craig Ward |
Latasha Gerard | Charles Mitchell | Elizabeth Watson |
Leah Giachello | Hanna Montague | Michelle Wells |
Brittany Gilligan | Roger Morgan | Erin Whitfield |
Molly Godwin | Douglas Murphy | Jonathan Williams |
Kathryn Goodman | Kimberly Nied | Mia Williams -Mcrae |
Shernette Gordon-Williams | Anna Ogle | Sabrina Wozniak |
David Gozzo | Derek Olk | Tiera Wray |
Andrea Greene | Corey Olson | Greg Wright |