Spring -Summer 2024: Matriculated undergraduate students in the School of Arts & Sciences, The Malcolm Baldrige School of Business, and the John P. Burke School of Public Service and Education who demonstrate excellence by earning a grade point average of at least 3.50-3.74 in a degree program, while carrying a minimum of 12 credits in one semester or two terms, will be named to the Dean’s List for that period. Students earning a grade less than C, IN, P, or W during this period are not eligible. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must be in an undergraduate degree program.
April Abbott
Alaa Adam
Mekila Alston
Kali Austin
Brian Badger
Tikiyah Banks
Sierra Barrios
Vanessa Batlle
Stephanie Beck
Jennifer Benitez
Nicole Berrios
Krystie Billa
Faith Blanchard
Bridgette Blount
Shukera Brantley
Diera Butler
Brandy Cabrera
Ruby-Richele Cardwell
Esther Carrasco
Kacey Coker
Kejuana Colbert
Emily Copeland
Marquita Dawson
Madeline De Jesus
Amber DeKeyzer
Jodie Delong
Matthew Eldred
Roger Farmer
Lakesha Felton
Cynthia Figueroa
Pablo Figueroa
Elizabeth Frankel
Rachel Gardner
Gregory Gauger
Nathalie Good
Marquita Griffin
Cameron Grisolia
Chelsey Harris
Christopher Harris
Emonie Harvey
Andrea Hillhouse
SheKia Humphrey
Nmesoma Ifeabunike
Desiree Jenkins
Victoria Jenner
Tracy Johnson
Nicole Justo
Brittany Keiser
Gregory King
Genoah Kline
Mollie Klingman
Mary Knight
David Kurpick
Julia Lacafta
Jecory Lambert
Briana Latario
Jasmine Lee
Kamishia Lee
Crystal Lehman
John Lewis
Rebecca Light
Brian Lowden
Emely Luna
Emma Mabe
Mahsa Mansurabadi
Leticia Marquez
Autumn Martinez
Linda McCray
Christina McCray
Latria McDougle
Pamela Mckinnon
Alexander Melgar
Morgan Mellen
Joseph Menden
Melissa Mercado
Joel Miller
Meghan Monahan
Zackeria Moore
Savanah Moreno
Savannah Morphew
Brooklyn Mortimer
Lakiesha Murphy
Amanda Murphy
Athena Newcomm
Emily Packer
Marilyn Pasteur Terry
Shirley Pegg
Evangela Poland
Tevin Porter
Imogene Price
Felicia Price
Samantha Proctor
Charles Quiett
Erica Ramirez
Ricardo Reyes
Adrianne Rios-Carrasquillo
Daniel Ritz
Jaasa Robinson
Nadine Rogers
Antonio Sagapolutele-Caldwell
Deepa Samchand
Heather Santi
Destiny Serra
Yvette Smith
Reginald Solomon
Samantha Spencer
Jahnika Stevenson
Roxanne Storrs
Aimee Swain
Aunisa Sweeney
Ashley Talley
Astrid Taylor
Stephanie Thompson
Wesley Thompson
Nelmarie Torres
Jonathan Trommer
Helen Velasquez Cruz
Dazel Vereen
Britni Waskosky
Antoine Watts
Ronnica Welchrooica
Linda White
Kimberly Whitfield
Sharon Williams
Sinya Williams
Cheryl Wiltshire-Allen
Edwin Wright
Kelsey Yi
Renee Young