Connecting to the Post Academic Wireless with OS X
If you’re using OS X, connecting to the Post Academic Wireless is extremely easy. Let’s get started.
1. From the Airport icon in the menu bar, simply select the network labeled “Post Academic Wireless.”
2. You will be presented with a login prompt; enter your Post University username and password and click Join.
3. Airport will start connecting; in System Preferences, inside the Network pane, you can monitor the progress of the connection.
It will go through several stages as it attempts to connect. Be patient!
4. After a few short moments, you should be presented with the dialog box below.
This is the Post University certificate, which you need to accept in order to proceed. Click on Continue to trust the certificate. You may be presented with other certificates the next few times you connect – this is normal, and you should accept those too.
5. You will then be prompted for your computer’s password. This is not your Post University password!
6. With the certificate trusted, the connection attempt will resume. After another few moments, you will be successfully connected to the Post Academic Wireless!
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