Crystal E. Vuole, Ph.D.
Program Chair, Human Services and Sociology
Contact info:
Phone: 203.596.4553
Email: [email protected]
Academic Background
Ph.D. in Sociology and Certificate in Feminist Theory, Binghamton University
M.A. in Sociology, Binghamton University
M.A. in Women’s Studies, University at Albany
M.P.S. in Humanistic & Multicultural Education, SUNY New Paltz (Concentration in Women’s Studies and Services)
B.A. in Political Science, SUNY New Paltz
B.A. in Women’s Studies, SUNY New Paltz,
Teaching Background
Dr. Vuole holds the position of Post University’s Program Chair for Human Services and Sociology. She teaches both human services and sociology courses including Principles of Sociology, Social Problems, Social Inequality, Race & Ethnicity, Sex & Gender, Issues in Contemporary Sociology, Sociological Theory, Multicultural Issues in Human Services and Violence Against Women.
Professional Background
Dr. Vuole joined Post University in 2013. She chairs the Social Equity & Justice Collective, co-chairs the Sexual Misconduct Board, and former member of the Inclusion & Diversity Council. During her time on the Inclusion & Diversity Council, she spearheaded the creation of the Chosen Name Policy for students. She oversees the Collective’s Social Justice Dialogue Series, which is a monthly discussion on different social justice concerns. She also serves as co-advisor to Post’s University’s partnership with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and undergraduate advisor to the Tau Upsilon Alpha, the honors society of the National Organization of Human Services.
Dr. Vuole currently serves on the United Way of Greater Waterbury’s Basic Needs Council. In the past she also served as a member of United Way’s Emerging Leaders Program.
During graduate school Dr. Vuole served as a domestic violence counselor, assisting in running a 24-hour domestic violence hotline and accompanying clients to court as a court advocate. She also served as a representative of a local LGBTQ community center assisting in the training of health and human service providers, educating them on the diverse issues of their LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) clients and how to better serve them. During these sessions she collected research data from pre- and post-questionnaires and created outcome studies of these training sessions.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Vuole believes that education should be a rewarding and deeply personal experience for each student. Her teaching philosophy is in accordance with a humanistic and multicultural education mindset, a class which is discussion-based and connects students to the lessons/readings through personal experiences. Her goal as an educator is to create and sustain a safe environment within the classroom where all students are appreciated, feel they can share openly, and diversity is honored and included. Learning, self-reflection, and fostering awareness in others are the first steps to social change.
Professional Memberships/Awards
Dr. Vuole holds professional memberships in the American Sociological Association (including sections on Animals & Society and Sex & Gender), The National Women’s Studies Association, and the National Organization of Human Services.
Dr. Vuole was awarded membership into the Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. Select graduate students are nominated and must have at least a 3.77 GPA to be considered. She was also awarded the Outstanding Graduate Award within the Master of Professional Studies in Humanistic and Multicultural Education program. This award is given annually to one individual per program that has shown the most potential and has had the most positive impact on other students, the classroom, and the program.
Personal Background
Dr. Vuole belongs to several national and local animal rights/animal advocacy organizations including the Animal Legal Defense Fund, North Store Animal League, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Hyde Park SPCA, and Hudson Valley Vegans. She also belongs to several feminist and human rights organizations including the National Organization for Women and the Human Rights Campaign and is a charter member of the National Women’s History Museum. Dr. Vuole wishes to contribute to creating an equitable and peaceful world for all.
Dr. Vuole loves spending time with her family, including her husband, beautifully energetic son, and her companion animals, watching movies, reading, going to used bookstores, taking photos, traveling, hiking, and vegan cooking. She also practices yoga, has been vegan since 2002, and collects “I Love Lucy” show, and Shirley Temple memorabilia. She loves film noir and anything classic Hollywood!
Research/Academic Interests
Dr. Vuole identifies as a feminist sociologist. Her research has encompassed issues of gender-bending, gender representation, pornography, popular culture, gender in film, social movements and the field of eco-feminism. She is particularly interested in intersectionality, social identities, and the extending of social justice concerns to include animals and the environment. Her first master’s thesis focused on gender-bending and gender non-conformity, focusing on gender queer and trans individuals whose identities fall outside of the gendered boxes of female and male. Her second master’s thesis focused on women’s representation in the horror movie genre and examining the issue of women as victims or representing a powerful, dangerous feminine within these movies. This research also extended to examining the possibility of a feminist horror movie and what components would be required. Within pre-dissertation research, she researched and wrote on the field of eco-feminism and the intersectional subjugations of women, people of color, the environment, and non-human animals. Most recently in her dissertation work she studied the animal rights movement and how activists are recasting themselves, by embracing emotions, for more effective vegan recruitment. Currently, Dr. Vuole is interested in the topic of motherhood and how breastfeeding, particularly toddlers, is viewed in society.
Selected Presentations
- The Happy Vegans: Examining Current Discussions and Trends in the Animal Rights Movement, American Sociological Associations Annual Meeting. New York, NY: 2019
- LGBTQ Cultural Competency. Faculty Lunch and Learn,
Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2017
- Office of Diversity’s Social Dialogues Series. Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2017
- Women’s Rights and Systems of Sexism, Racism, Classism, and Homophobia. Office of Diversity’s Social Dialogues Series. Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2017
- The Animal Rights Movement in the Age of Social Media. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington: 2016
- Gun Control. Office of Diversity’s Social Dialogues Series. Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2016
- Same Sex Marriage: Political and Social Issues vs. Religious Issues. Office of Diversity’s Social Dialogues Series. Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2016
- Racial Profiling. Office of Diversity’s Social Dialogues Series. Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2016
- Multicultural Awareness: An Experiential Workshop. Connecticut Counseling Association, Wethersfield, CT: 2015
- Creating Student-Centered, Multicultural Classrooms. Faculty Lunch and Learn, Post University, Waterbury, CT: 2013
- Is Meat-Eating Feminist? Exploring the Connections between Animals, Vegetarianism and Feminism.Women & Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY: 2012.
- Victim or Goddess:Women’s Representation in the American Horror Film Genre. New England Women’s Studies Association Conference, UMass Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA: 2011
- Life After Women’s Studies.Women’s Studies Department Speaking Event, SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz NY: 2011
- Multicultural Education and Literature. Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society’s Speaking Series, SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz, NY: 2011
- Victim or Goddess:Women’s Representation in the American Horror Film Genre. Women & Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY: 2010.
- Sexual Reality:Pornography and its Costs to Women. Women’s Studies Seniors Colloquium, SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz, NY: 2008.