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Combining expertise in information systems and a well-developed computer skill set with a wide range of leadership abilities, computer and information systems managers have the opportunity to direct the technical programming for an entire organization.

What Is the Role of Computer Systems Managers?

Computer systems managers are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of a technology plan for an organization. Working across many industries, these professionals must have well-developed business acumen along with advanced computer and technology skills.

Core Responsibilities of a Computer Systems Manager

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the core responsibilities of a computer systems manager include:

  • Analyzing and evaluating the technology needs of an individual organization.
  • Developing an installation and maintenance plan for an organization’s computer and information systems.
  • Implementing security measures to protect the network as well as documents that are stored on the network.
  • Managing and overseeing the IT professionals who work within the department.
  • Maintaining the department’s budget and allocating funding for new and improved technology.

Skill Sets Required for Effective Management

Computer and information systems managers need a well-developed set of both practical and soft skills in order to succeed in their roles.

According to O*Net Online, the technology skills required in this management position include:

  • Database management
  • Web platform development
  • Database user interface and query
  • Enterprise resource planning

Per Indeed, some of the soft skills that computer and information systems managers must develop include:

  • Communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Collaboration
  • Critical thinking
  • Leadership

Types of Computer Systems Managers

Within the information technology (IT) field, there are several different types of computer systems managers, including:

IT Project Managers

IT project managers are computer and information systems professionals responsible for organizing and implementing specific IT projects. According to Wrike, those projects may include:

  • Identifying, implementing, developing, and installing new software solutions.
  • Cloud computing and rollouts.
  • Organizing and developing new IT processes for an organization.

IT Security Managers

IT security managers are computer and information systems specialists who oversee network security for an individual organization. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT security managers tend to work closely with top executives at the organization to keep them informed of the latest and most effective data security measures, and they also are responsible for developing programming that creates a culture of security within the organization.

IT Directors

IT directors and management information systems directors oversee IT departments, including directly supervising IT specialists providing technical support to the organization as a whole. They are responsible for:

  • Establishing requirements for the organization’s IT systems.
  • Implementing IT policies that have been outlined by executives.
  • Coordinating IT activities.
  • Overseeing and managing the department budget.

Exploring Daily Tasks of a Computer Systems Manager

Working in a leadership role, computer systems managers often oversee daily operations and monitor large-scale growth and development. Some daily tasks of a computer systems manager may include:

Strategic Planning and System Designing

Computer and information systems managers may help determine which software applications and cloud-based technologies would best help the organization meet their technology goals. Through strategic planning, computer and information systems managers could develop a technology strategy that allows the organization to implement advanced technology and applications that may help streamline production, improve efficiency, and increase output.

Monitoring and Managing Staff Performance

In many cases, computer and information systems managers oversee the IT department of an organization, meaning that a team of IT specialists and support staff may report to them. On any given day, they need to delegate tasks to team members, evaluate performance, and provide feedback to help staff members grow on both a professional and personal level.

Overseeing Network Security

Computer and information systems managers also may be responsible for overseeing the security of the network. This may involve evaluating the strength and security of the network, researching options to improve overall network security, and mitigating problems in the event of a security breach.

Key Requirements to Become a Computer Systems Manager

To reach the management level within the IT industry, most professionals need a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree as well as related professional experience, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Educational Background

Most computer and information systems managers have a bachelor’s degree in a related field of study, such as computer science or computer information systems. In addition, some decide to pursue further education and earn a graduate degree, such as a master’s degree in computer science. Any professional seeking to work as a computer and information systems manager would want to have a solid understanding of computer science and the evolving applications that impact business practices today.

Relevant Work Experience

To become a computer and information systems manager, you typically need to gain relevant work experience through an internship or entry-level position in the industry. Working as an IT technician, web developer, or systems administrator could help you fine-tune the technical and practical skills needed to oversee an IT department for an individual organization.

Necessary Certifications

Though there are no specific certification programs required in order to work as a computer and information systems manager, some available certification opportunities could help elevate your career. Valuable certification programs for aspiring computer and information systems managers include:

  • Certified Computing Professional
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional
  • Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control

Importance of Soft Skills in System Management

Of course, technical and practical skills in computer systems and information technology allow you to grow professionally within this dynamic field. However, to access management-level positions, you also want to focus on soft skill development.

Crucial soft skills for computer and information systems managers include the following:

Communication Skills

Computer and information systems managers must work on honing their written and verbal communication skills. You would likely have to work closely with other members of the organization who are not as well-versed in technology and be responsible for explaining the IT protocols and procedures in a way that is understandable to everyone. Appearing as friendly, approachable, and welcoming is essential, as many of your colleagues will be looking to you for advice and guidance.

Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are pivotal, especially when managing a team of employees and delegating tasks to those who report to you. As a manager in the organization, you must make everyone feel like a valued part of the team, work to perfect your leadership skills as you oversee projects, and grow the IT department.

Problem-Solving Skills

Unexpected issues arise frequently, particularly in the world of technology. Being able to effortlessly navigate through challenging situations—and delegate tasks so problems are addressed swiftly—could help you become a more effective computer and information systems manager.

Career Opportunities for Computer Systems Managers

The following items consist of opportunities for those interested in branching out within the IT field.

Higher Managerial Positions

While computer and information systems managers are leaders within their organizations, often responsible for overseeing the IT department, there also are higher-level managerial positions available. For example, computer and information systems managers might strive to become chief information officers (CIOs). CIOs are executive professionals who work alongside other executives in order to develop a large-scale technology and information security strategy for the organization.

Specializations Within the Field

By specializing in the field, you could personalize your career path and align your professional goals with your personal interests. Some of the most common specializations within IT include:

  • Information systems management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Network administration
  • Web development
  • Software development
  • Application development

Career Growth With Continuous Learning

By prioritizing a skills-based education and pursuing professional development opportunities as well as certification programs, you may strive to grow your career as a computer and information systems manager. There are numerous opportunities to carve out your own path in the industry and customize a career that incorporates your interest in technology plus a passion for leadership.

What Is the Future Scope for Computer Systems Managers?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for computer systems managers is positive. Organizations of different sizes across various industries continue to rely on data networks, cloud-based technology, and web-based applications, which could heighten the demand for skilled and qualified computer and information systems managers.

As cybersecurity threats increase in prevalence and complexity and organizations become more dependent upon technology, computer and information systems managers could be major assets to various teams.

Develop Critical Computer and Information Systems Skills at Post University

At Post University, we offer a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems that takes a future-forward approach to the tech industry. This degree program’s curriculum focuses on computer-based systems, processes, components, and programs—allowing you to understand real-world applications of the latest computing technology.

Request more information about our online degree programs today.


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