Congratulations to online and campus students named to the Dean’s List!
Students who earn at least 12 credits and maintain between a 3.5 and 3.75 term GPA during the grading period are eligible for Dean’s List. In order to be eligible, students must earn individual grades higher than a C and may not have an incomplete or W grade.
Abdulkadir Abdulkadir | Nasire Livermore |
Lea Adam | Mark Long |
Sabrina Adamo | Robert Lopez |
Daniel Agenbroad | Carla Lopez |
Brooke Allen | Antonio Lopez Woodworth |
Kia Alston | Christopher Lovelace |
Joseph Alvord | Anthony Lucia |
Carlos Armas | Rhonda Ludwig |
Breauna Armstrong | Evan Lugo |
Joesuline Bacom | Christine MacConnell |
Patricia Bailey | Beth Manbevers |
Andrea Baleotto | David Markey |
Michael Beasley | Erik Markiewicz |
Nicole Bettger | Sabrina Martino |
Toni Blackwell | Rianne Mayer |
Jacqueline Blankenship | Jordan Mazer |
Nana Boadu | Andrew McAlister |
Dustyn Bolinger | Travis McKee |
Makenzie Borst | Gail McNair |
Paul Bossardet | Heather McWeeney |
Jenna Bourassa | Emilia Mead |
Christian Breth | Andrew Medina |
Angelo Briglia | Ilianell Melendez |
Brandon Briones | Richard Mezzacappa |
Angelica Brissett | Ryan Middledorf |
Brandon Brown | Stephen Miles |
Sarah Burnette | Kayleigh Miller |
Carrington Calvin | Michael Milton |
Zakia Campbell | Tyler Mitza |
Rebekka Campbell | David Mollenthiel |
Jennifer Carpenter | Cassidy Moore |
Jordan Carreira | Adrianna Morgan |
Darius Carroway | Matteo Moro |
Natasha Carter | Kalena Mueller |
Roderick Casey | Julita Mulla |
Morgan Cassiliano | Rachel Mullen |
Lauren Chambers | Ryan Mullen |
Natasha Chapman | Elizabeth Munoz |
Wenhao Chen | Jeremy Murry |
Alexandra Claffey | Miranda Nelson |
Edward Clark | Patrick Noujaim |
Christopher Clark | Casey Obrien |
Samantha Cohen | Melina Olavarria |
Tyler Collodel | Jeanette Oliver |
Adasia Conley-Reed | Matthew Oliver |
Andrew Consalvo | Anthony Ortiz |
Felicia Copeland | Jose Oviedo |
Jon Costa | Aferdita Ozuni |
Lauren Couch | Bryan Pankhurst |
Abou Idriss Coulibaly | Adelle Panza |
Tammy Coury | Alisha Parker |
Kirsten Cox | Joseph Payne |
Andrea Craig | Nicole Peele |
Victoria Crampton | Francesco Perinelli |
Jack Curran | Peter Petrino |
Jake D’alusio | Stephanie Petro |
Acacio Da Silva Ferreira | Grace Pettus |
Brittini Daily | Amanda Piccochi |
Malamin Darboe | Anthony Pitts |
Dennis johnson De Guzman | Melissa Prosco |
Nicholas Denze | William Purdue |
Toni Deren | Damarie Quintana-Linares |
Gazal Diab | Letlhogonolo Ramafuthula |
Molly Dobratz | Andrew Rasmussen-Tuller |
Patrick Doherty | Michael Richards |
Mathias Dolson | Ryan Riggs |
Richard Dominguez | Theresa Righi |
Christina Donnelly | Emily Riina |
Deanna Dorsey | Frechanna Rippy |
Brittini Dorsey | Tatianna Rivas |
Jillian Ducham | Riley Rivera |
Evelyn Dukes | Demi Rivera |
Paige Dundas | Guillermo Rivera Lopez |
James Dupree | Danielle Robertson |
Nicole Enriquez | Marwin Robinson |
Robin Erlich | Ashley Robitaille |
Abrrea Evans | Janine Robles |
James Evers | Felipe Rodriguez |
Shannon Faes | Peter Roessel |
Dawn Fiasconaro | Shantai Rogers |
Eric Fitzgerald | Brianna Root |
Robert Flickinger | Brittany Roy |
Christopher Forgues | Lynsey Rushing |
Jamie Forsythe | Steven Scaramangos |
Yixuan Fu | Samantha Sestilli |
Andrew Furbush | Sydney Sestilli |
Sandra Garrett | Doreth Shand |
Eden Gendler | Steven Sieranski |
Danielle George | Felisha Simmons |
Whitney Gilbert | Kathy Simmons |
Jessica Gilfillan | Yssis Simon |
Latoya Gilliams | David Simonsen |
Angelo Gizzi | Kathyrine Sinclair |
Matthew Goehrig | Zachary Sivak |
Melissa Goja | Sarah Smith |
SanJuana Gonzales | Jaylene Souto |
Alejandro Gonzalezsanchez | Jonah Spector |
Lawrence Goodyear | Blair Sprosta |
Richard Gracy | Madison Stenabaugh |
Cetericka Grant | Faith Stephens |
Tyler Grant | Salena Stone |
Kailynn Grauso | Sheena Stringer |
David Graves | Thomas Sykes |
Sara Greathouse | Stacey Tampellini |
Ann Greer | Xiao Tan |
William Hall | Dominique Tatis |
Carlene Harriott | Joseph Taylor |
Kaleab Heller | Leah Thompson |
Cody Hightower | Samantha Tillman-Morgan |
D’andre Hill | Michelle Timaul |
Felix Hinderthuer | Elias Torres |
Tia Hoffman | Armando Torres |
Nanci Horn | Nia Torres |
Danyl Horton | Aonyae Travis Jones |
Mahogany Howard | Brandi Turner |
Lisa Howe | Gorgi Van Lienen |
Stephanie Huggins | Justin Vance |
Alivia Ickes | Shannon Veale |
Ubong Inyang | Monica Vera |
Leticia Jaen | Karen Walker |
Quaderah Johnson | Jacquelyn Wallace |
Rebekah Johnston | Michael Ward |
Dorian Judkins | Yuwen Wei |
Joshua Kahoun | Darcy Welch |
Sarah Kasper | Gretchen Wengerd |
Brandi Kelly | Collin Wersal |
Stephania Kerrigan | Bob Westbrook |
Izabela Klys | Myesha White |
Kelly Koehler | Noah Wild |
Dea Lako | Joshua Williams |
Peter Landry | Hillary Williams |
Matthew Laviana | Jeremy Wills |
Diana LeBlanc | Brooke Wilson |
Rakeem Lee | Aisha Wilson |
Logan Leland | Hope Wilson |
Nefertiti Lemons | Dana Wood |
Marie Lewis | Zachary Wood |
Marie Liggett | Brittany Woodward |
Emma Lipski | Royce Wright |
Xuan Liu | Yevgenia Zamoshets |