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Faculty, staff and students congratulate Dr. Dylan Clyne on his recent appointment as Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences. He has helped many students exceed their expectations by engaging them with active learning strategies that emphasize thinking and doing instead of passive listening. He is committed to the relevance of science education in an increasingly technological world.

Dr. Clyne started at Post University as an Associate Faculty member in 2010, then joined full-time as the Program Chair for Biology in 2011. As Chair of the Biology Program, he revamped the curriculum and initiated partnerships with Fairfield University’s Bioengineering Program and St. George’s University School of Medicine and School of Veterinary Medicine. In 2016, Dr. Clyne was appointed Director of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Arts & Science, he improved efficiencies, student engagement and program offerings.

“We truly welcome Dr. Clyne and his insight and innovative thinking. His impact on both the Deans’ Council and Post University’s Leadership Team is reflected in his guidance and collaboration on faculty governance issues,” said Provost Elizabeth Johnson, Ph.D.

Dr. Clyne served as Vice Chair of the Curriculum Committee as well as Secretary, Vice-President, and President of the University Academic Senate.

Dr. Clyne earned his bachelor’s degree in Cellular & Molecular Biology and a doctorate in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan. He completed his post-doctoral work at the Yale School of Medicine, and his research helped pioneer the field of optogenetics: the study of neural circuits in behaving animals by genetically engineering cells to respond to light. His work caught the attention of the popular press including the BBC, Scientific American, and NPR.