Students who earn at least 12 credits and maintain between a 3.5 and 3.75 term GPA during the Spring 2020 grading period are eligible for Dean’s List. In order to be eligible, students must earn individual grades higher than a C and may not have an incomplete or W grade.
Congratulations to our students who were honored with Dean’s List.
Sandra Abel | Equine Studies |
Angela Aittaniemi | Human Services |
Jennifer Akers | Criminal Justice |
Tenishiana Allen | Psychology |
Fabiana Arrigo | Early Childhood Education |
Susan Arrington | Accounting |
Amirah Ashley | Communication and Media Studies |
Mylaecha Aska | Child Studies |
Crystal Bare | Computer Information Systems |
Andre Barreira | Management |
Sarina Bello | Human Services |
Ligia Benedetti | Human Services |
Melinda Benton | Business Administration |
Rebecca Bertrand | Equine Studies |
Jazzmon Black | Management |
Kimberlee Blackett | Computer Information Systems |
Simone Blake | Human Services |
Debra Blockson | Human Services |
Jennifer Bouffard | Child Studies |
Shellie Bradley | Child Studies |
George Bray | Accounting |
Crystal Brewster | Management |
Sean Brosnan | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Diana Brown | Early Childhood Education |
Katelynn Brown | Psychology |
Kayla Brown | Equine Studies |
Chad Burnett | Management |
Glenda Burns | Psychology |
Luis Cabrera | Management |
Savannah Carvalho | Early Childhood Education |
Sara Castaneda | Human Resource Management |
Veronica Castro | Management |
Cynthia Cave | Human Services |
Verlande Celestin | Human Resource Management |
Ailyn Cervantes | Early Childhood Education |
Aly Charles | Business Administration |
William Chitwood | Business Administration |
Shelby Choquette | Human Services |
Sharon Clarke | Early Childhood Education |
Nile Cobb | Child Studies |
Kassandra Cody | Psychology |
Sherri Colgate | Management |
Ashlei Colon | Management |
Joseph Compton | Equine Studies |
Rocio Covarrubias | Criminal Justice |
Anna Cox | Human Resource Management |
Tammie Cox | Criminal Justice |
Michael Cuevas | Early Childhood Education |
Jerome Cuthbert | Finance |
John Daigle | Business Administration |
Kaylee Daigle | Early Childhood Education |
Christine Davis | Human Services |
Hayley Davis | Equine Studies |
Kearra Davis | Criminal Justice |
Kimberly Davis | Early Childhood Education |
Yasmine Davis | Child Studies |
Melissa Debardelabon | Business Administration |
Matthew DeMaio | Computer Information Systems |
Shamus Denniston | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Scarlet Dent | Computer Information Systems |
Anthony Detweiler | Criminal Justice |
Mamadou Diallo | Management |
Kaylan Dixon | Psychology |
Remington Doane | Human Resource Management |
Kristen Dobrynski | Early Childhood Education |
Amy Dominguez | Accounting |
Alexsandra Domondon | Criminal Justice |
Kayla Dotson | Business Administration |
Sheanell Dougall | Business Administration |
Junoir Douyon | Criminal Justice |
Mandi Dowjat | Early Childhood Education |
Michael Drake | Management |
Charlene Dukes | Business Administration |
Andre Duncan | Computer Information Systems |
Samantha Earnest | Business Administration |
Chris Ebisuya | Early Childhood Education |
Nichole Ecret | Equine Studies |
Teresa Eddy | Psychology |
Danielle Eggers | Human Services |
Augusta Ejiofor | Human Resource Management |
Samantha Elias | Human Services |
Georgette Espinoza | Business Administration |
Ginni Estevez | Management |
Miranda Etheridge | Business Administration |
Roger Farmer | Computer Information Systems |
Coraima Feliz | Management |
Carly Femniak | Communication and Media Studies |
Dimitri Fenrick | Communication and Media Studies |
Kenneth Fiers | Management |
Michael Fleming | Management |
Islyn Flowers | Human Services |
Micia Floyd | Early Childhood Education |
Adrienne Ford | Computer Information Systems |
Annie Freeman | Accounting |
Joanna Galligano | Business Administration |
Endesha Gant | Accounting |
Erika Garcia-Guzman | Child Studies |
Shelly Garibay-Ramirez | Accounting |
Gloria Gerena | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Felecia Gibson | Criminal Justice |
Shane Gilbert | Computer Information Systems |
Bobbi Gillis | Accounting |
Kimberly Giordano | Marketing |
Angela Gonzalez | Psychology |
Adam Gootee | Computer Information Systems |
Adrian Gordon | Criminal Justice |
Meleke Gordon | Marketing |
Leanna Graves | Criminal Justice |
Khadijah Gray | Human Services |
Keneshia Griffin | Business Administration |
Michael Guerin | Psychology |
Robert Gulbrandsen | Management |
Bryant Hall | Business Administration |
Jade Halm | Early Childhood Education |
Aaliyah Hanning | Early Childhood Education |
Christopher Harrell | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Emily Harris | Psychology |
Destani Harwood | Psychology |
Jonathan Hawkins | Computer Information Systems |
Vernia Heno | Legal Studies |
Jenifer Hernandez | Legal Studies |
Sara Hernandez | Business Administration |
Jessenia Herrera | Early Childhood Education |
Shane Hice | Finance |
Erica Higgins | Criminal Justice |
Priscilla Hill | Business Administration |
Ruby Hogg | Early Childhood Education |
Abby Honeycutt | Psychology |
Jamie Houlihan | Human Services |
Dana Howarth | Accounting |
Jessica Howe | Human Resource Management |
Enda Huff | Psychology |
Jetaun Humphrey | Early Childhood Education |
Alicia Jackson | Psychology |
LaConya Jackson | Psychology |
Tylia Jackson | Management |
Antonielle James | Child Studies |
Merveilleuse Jasmin | Human Services |
John Jenkins | Management |
Joshua Jenkins | Business Administration |
Emir Jimenez | Criminal Justice |
Michael Johnson | Business Administration |
Shameka Johnson | Legal Studies |
Stephanie Johnson | Human Resource Management |
Rian Jones | Early Childhood Education |
Crystal Keesy | Equine Studies |
Kristy Khan | Early Childhood Education |
Courtney Kichline | Psychology |
Joann Knapp | Equine Studies |
Kayla Kress | Business Administration |
Lauren Lafferty | Equine Studies |
Viergeline Lafleur | Criminal Justice |
Michael Lamere | Business Administration |
Shacara Lamont | Psychology |
Abigail LaPoint | Accounting |
Caroline Lassetter | Equine Studies |
Tara Leaphart | Accounting |
Dominique Lee | Psychology |
Marie Leone | Human Services |
Destiny Ligons | Child Studies |
Debora Lopez Ponce | Human Resource Management |
Cristina Lopez | Business Administration |
Karen Lundy | Child Studies |
Caitlin Maag | Child Studies |
Heather Magao | Accounting |
Maria Maggio | Business Administration |
Julio Malave | Criminal Justice |
Robercy Maldonado | Business Administration |
Margaret Mariani | Human Services |
Laura Marrujo | Psychology |
Barbara Marshall | Business Administration |
Latrina Martin | Early Childhood Education |
Jacqueline Martinez | Business Administration |
Jahnien Matteson | Psychology |
LaDaysha Matthews | Psychology |
Michelle McCarthy | Accounting |
Jami McCarty | Early Childhood Education |
Kassy McClimans | Equine Studies |
Keisha McKinzy | Psychology |
Ayla McNeil | Equine Studies |
Tammy McPhee | Management |
Dasanty Mctavish | Child Studies |
Thecla Mercier | Accounting |
Catherine Mestad | Equine Studies |
Christa Mierez-Pitter | Child Studies |
Kate Minor | Human Resource Management |
Alejandra Miranda | Psychology |
Roxanna Mize | Management |
Hilary Mondelci | Business Administration |
Kendra Montgomery | Early Childhood Education |
Daniela Montufar | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Bobby Moore | Criminal Justice |
Teiara Moore | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Joshua Morales | Accounting |
Michael Moser | Human Services |
Daniel Myers | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Jose Negron Burgos | Business Administration |
Maria Nelson | Business Administration |
Eryn Newcomb | Management |
David Nguyen | Management |
Danielle Nienstedt | Human Services |
Jessica Nieves | Legal Studies |
Paige Nonamaker | Child Studies |
Dennis Norgard | Accounting |
Catherine Ohnemus | Child Studies |
Holly Oliver | Human Resource Management |
Thomea Oliver | Management |
Krystal Osborne | Early Childhood Education |
Rashid Osmanu | Management |
Pinar Ozyigit | Psychology |
Evangelia Pamias | Psychology |
Robert Panetta | Human Services |
Asma Parham | Legal Studies |
Nicole Parker | Early Childhood Education |
Michaela Parks | Early Childhood Education |
Tiffany Parris | Criminal Justice |
Morgan Paternostro | Human Services |
Tiffany Perkins | Early Childhood Education |
Rebecca Perry | Accounting |
Gordon Pettigrew | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Bich Thu Pham | Accounting |
Jacob Phillips | Marketing |
Aliyes Plasencia | Child Studies |
David Plazola | Criminal Justice |
Brittany Polito | Accounting |
Raquel Pool | Child Studies |
Nicholas Porter | Computer Information Systems |
Heather Powell | Business Administration |
Amy Powers | Psychology |
Maria Price | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Alexi Priscal | Marketing |
Patrickk Rath | Criminal Justice |
Carlon Raysor | Human Resource Management |
Johnesha Reddick | Child Studies |
Twila Reese | Human Services |
Cassandra Richards | Equine Studies |
George Ricks Jr | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Dominique Riddick | Human Services |
Tami Riley | Criminal Justice |
Tabbatha Roberts | Management |
Daniel Rodriguez | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Santa Rodriguez | Legal Studies |
Sydney Roe-Weaver | Early Childhood Education |
Osbaldo Rojasvazquez | Management |
Marian Rollins | Legal Studies |
Heather Roman | Psychology |
Shatiara Runnels | Child Studies |
Phillip Salazar | Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
Makayla Saldana | Early Childhood Education |
Shyanne Sallaz | Early Childhood Education |
Cassandra Salveson | Legal Studies |
Jillian Sampson | Psychology |
Lisa Sanchez | Psychology |
Sabrina Sandoval | Human Services |
Joseph Santiago | Communication and Media Studies |
Dominique Satterfield | Early Childhood Education |
Amber Sauro | Child Studies |
Jovan Schand | Legal Studies |
Candace Schrader | Human Services |
Samantha Schwarting | Business Administration |
Sharon Sears | Management |
Kelsey Sescila | Child Studies |
Kimberly Shaw | Psychology |
Jack Shegos | Computer Information Systems |
Justin Shupert | Equine Studies |
Rachel Skinner | Communication and Media Studies |
Zeonna Small | Criminal Justice |
Erica Smith | Accounting |
Anita Speed | Human Services |
Fabienne St Preuve | Human Services |
Kelly-Ann Steere | Finance |
Kasey Stefanelli | Accounting |
Kaitlin Stein | Child Studies |
Ashley Stewart | Early Childhood Education |
Brandi Stewart | Legal Studies |
Kimberly Stone | Psychology |
Lindsey Strang | Psychology |
Pamela Stubbs | Human Services |
Jennifer Sturrock | Human Services |
Tiffany Swenson-Shanahan | Human Services |
Lindsay Swilling | Human Services |
Deon Tabron | Computer Information Systems |
Franklin Tatro | Legal Studies |
Brianna Taylor | Criminal Justice |
Michael Teixeira | Criminal Justice |
Jessica Templar | Psychology |
Adrianne Thomas | Psychology |
Deshun Thomas | Management |
Deleta Thompson | Human Services |
Melissa Timms | Business Administration |
Jonathan Torres | Human Services |
Christopher Tullo | Accounting |
Maria Villaverde | Criminal Justice |
Heather VonDielingen | Equine Studies |
Sabrina Wade | Early Childhood Education |
Paduma Wanigasekaragunathil | Management |
Kayla Watkins | Legal Studies |
Milton T Watson | Business Administration |
Patrick Weaver | Management |
Travis Weimer | Sport Management |
Tammy Weis | Human Services |
Jordan Wells | Equine Studies |
Rachel West | Business Administration |
Stacy West | Human Services |
Alice Westbrook | Human Resource Management |
Tiara White | Psychology |
Ryan Whitefield | Business Administration |
Ashley Williams | Criminal Justice |
Joyce Williams | Early Childhood Education |
Stacey Williams | Human Services |
Aaron Williamson | Criminal Justice |
John Winchester | Human Services |
Mary Windom | Human Services |
Dani Witke | Equine Studies |
Jordon Womack | Child Studies |
Remington Woodhull | Human Services |
Steven Wooten | Business Administration |
Eric Wright | Equine Studies |