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No matter where your academic interests lie, there is a very good chance that you have heard of STEM education. Perhaps you have even taken a STEM class at some point in your life. These days, STEM education is more than just a subset of academic subjects—it is a means of shaping students’ and professionals’ mindsets in ways that make a significant impact in the real world.

If you are considering a degree in a STEM-related field or simply want to get a better handle on the impact of STEM education in our lives, you will definitely want to continue reading.

Understanding STEM Education

So, what does STEM stand for in education and how has this concept evolved over time? Simply put, STEM stands for “Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.” These areas of study are considered to be closely related, both in their teachings of theory and their real-world applications and practices.

Origin and Evolution of STEM Education

The history of STEM education dates farther back than you might think—all the way to the Morrill Act of 1862, when land grants were created to promote agricultural science programs at universities across the country. The act was later expanded upon to include not just agriculture but engineering and other industries as well.

Over time, the push for STEM education  gained traction and continues to do so to this day. In fact, as recently as 2009, new initiatives like the Educate to Innovate campaign have increased spending for STEM education across the United States through federal aid.

Components of STEM Education

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are the four main components of STEM education. Below, we will dive deeper into the role that these individual components have on the STEM field.

The Role of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in STEM

What is STEM education and why is it important, anyway?

When you think about the innovations and products that drive the global market, you would be hard-pressed to name one that does not relate back to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics in some way. Even though these fields may stand alone as their own separate industries, they are so inextricably bound to and dependent upon one another that the STEM approach is considered to be holistic in nature. In many ways, the individual components of STEM education drive nearly every aspect of our world and how it operates.

How Is STEM Education Implemented in Colleges?

STEM education is commonly discussed in the context of K-12 education, but its real power is seen when it is properly implemented in a college curriculum where students can directly apply their learning to a future career.

Challenges and Solutions in STEM Education Implementation

The challenges of implementing STEM education into colleges are like those seen when incorporating STEM education into any public or private school system. Resources and funding are perhaps the biggest hurdle, as a quality STEM program requires a fair share of materials, resources, and technologies that can be costly to implement and keep up to date. Likewise, aligning STEM curricula to meet a diverse range of students’ needs and learning styles presents its own set of challenges.

Who Does STEM Education Impact on a Daily Basis?

STEM education impacts virtually every aspect of our daily lives, from the technologies we use to the products we develop.

How Is Our Everyday Life Influenced by STEM Education?

Even the seemingly simplest of everyday tasks and activities can be related back to and influenced by STEM education. Consider, for example, the very act of creating a household budget or even shopping for a new product. The basic calculations, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills needed to complete these seemingly simple tasks all draw on the core concepts of STEM education.

The Importance of Innovation in STEM Fields

While STEM undoubtedly pervades every aspect of our lives, perhaps the most important skill that STEM students can gain from their education is the power to innovate. One of the core concepts behind STEM education is that these methodologies can be used to solve problems, boost performance, or even improve lives. In this sense, STEM education (and, by extension, STEM careers) are critical to the development and progression of society.

How and Why New STEM Majors Should Prepare to Be Innovators

More than ever, STEM education is making a major impact on the global workforce, the products we develop, and how we think and live. By implementing STEM in education, students can understand the real-world applications of the subjects they are studying while enjoying hands-on learning and developing critical thinking skills.

If you are pursuing a STEM major in college, make sure your education will prepare you to be a true innovator in your field. At Post University, we are proud to offer a number of degree programs in STEM fields, including a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Biology, Master of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and more.

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