This calendar features the events happening on campus. Use this link to see the full list of events and student club meetings. You can RSVP here to secure your place in an event.
Check out the full Homecoming Event List Here.
Registration for Spring 2021 Semester begins this week. Make an appointment with your advisor.
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month
Here are some recommendations to ensure the security of your passwords.
- Passwords should always be what’s defined as “hard.” A hard password has a minimum of 10 characters, and consists of uppercase, lowercase and numbers.
- Passwords should never consist of words that can be broken by a dictionary hacking tool. An easy way to avoid this is to make your password a phrase you can remember and change the letters in the words to numbers and special characters. For example, university could be un1v3RsItY.
- Use different passwords for different systems, especially personal banking or anywhere you pay online.
Swoop Nation News
Inside the Nest with Women’s Basketball Coach, Jon Plefka
Need to DE-stress? Check out YOU@Post for some helpful ideas.