Hurricane Michael is expected to affect the residents and infrastructure of the Florida panhandle, as well as parts of Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas this week. Today’s NOAA models show the Hurricane making landfall in Florida on Wednesday as a Category 3 hurricane.
I would like to take this opportunity to once again share that Post has a Storm Line phone number, exclusively for the use of Post family members (faculty, students, and associates) directly affected by storms like Hurricane Michael. If you lose electricity or internet access, or otherwise cannot reach your Academic Success Counselor or Supervisor, you can use this number to leave a voicemail to update us on your status and safety.
Storm Line: 203.596.4506
As I shared when Hurricane Florence came through, at Post we completely understand that those of you in the path of this storm may find that your priorities shift this week. And again, please know that our priority will continue to be YOU, and on getting you caught up in your course(s) and back on track to meeting your academic goals.
Please reach out to us after the storm, and know that all of us at Post are thinking of you.
Be safe,
Dr. Elizabeth Johnson
Post University Provost