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Post University Blog

John Hopkins of Post University and Gian-Carl Casa of the Alliance

Gian-Carl Casa, MA, President and CEO of the Connecticut Non-Profit Alliance (left) and John L. Hopkins, CEO of Post University.

Recently, Post University and The Alliance, a non-profit advocacy group located in Hartford, formalized a corporate partnership agreement, which will provide a variety of educational programming to Alliance employees and their 500 member organizations, as well as the family members of both groups.

This unique educational programming includes webinars, professional development throughout the state, and a tuition discount for all of Post University’s academic programs. Included in the discounted tuition are the Non-Profit Management Certificate and Masters of Science in the Human Services degree program with a concentration in Non-Profit Management.

The educational experiences designed by Post University will enable participants and organizations to continue to provide valuable services to the public while developing advanced knowledge and skills needed to advance personally and professionally.

Post University and The Alliance provide discounted education for 500 non-profits

(left to right) Donald W. Mroz, Ph.D., Post University President; John L. Hopkins, Post University CEO; Gian-Carl Casa, MA, Connecticut Non-Profit Alliance President and CEO; Christina Agvent, Post University Director of Strategic Partnerships; Lilian Gutierrez, MBA, Connecticut Non-Profit Alliance Director of Member and CT Nonprofit Center; Bobby Reese, Post University Chief Operating Officer.