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Post University Blog

This designation goes to the top universities and community colleges in the country that are dedicating resources to ensure military students are successful both in the classroom and after graduation.

Last year, Post University received the designation “Best for Vets” from Military Times. That annual survey ranked Post University among the best online and nontraditional school for veterans and service members.

“We are proud to be recognized as a Military Friendly School. Since 1976, Post has been here for veterans and their families,” explained Charles Young, director of military field enrollment.

“We have a passion for welcoming and supporting veteran students as they transition from military life to student life and ultimately to college graduate.” 

For more than a decade, Military Friendly ratings have set the standard for companies and colleges demonstrating positive employment and education outcomes for veterans and their families. This competitive survey is supported by statistics that demonstrate student success. Companies and schools must have successfully completed a 2019-20 Military Friendly survey to be considered for the Awards program. Military Friendly® Schools strive towards and succeed in the areas that matter most in helping veterans make the transition from the military to school and, ultimately, satisfying careers in the civilian world.

Viqtory Media, originator of the family of Military Friendly employment, entrepreneurship and education resources for veterans and their families, published the 2019-20 Military Friendly Schools and Employers ratings at

The methodology for the ranking and the names of awardees are published online at