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Community service involves volunteering or doing work that helps fellow community members or others who are in need. From serving meals at a homeless shelter to sending care packages to soldiers overseas, there are many ways to get involved in community service.

Why Is Community Service Important?

Community service can help build a better future for individuals, local communities, and even larger populations. Those who volunteer their time and skills make a big difference in their community.

Why College Students Should Get Involved in Community Service

Although college students are often busy with assignments and tests, taking time to help others is important. Community service provides a great way for college students to give back to their community, while also helping those in need. Having community service on college applications and resumes can also make a great impression. Other benefits of doing community service as a college student include making new friends, gaining more knowledge, and learning new skills.

18 Community Service Opportunities for College Students

What kinds of community service opportunities are available for college students? The following are some of the top ideas for students who want to get involved in their communities.

How do you get involved in your community? What are some things you would tell someone who wants to be more involved in their communities? Share your experience in the comments!

1. Offer Tutoring Services

College students can put their knowledge to good use with tutoring services. This can help ensure that kids who are struggling with a certain subject in school get the help they need. College students can provide these kids with guidance in understanding math, science, or another subject.

2. Clean Up Trash On or Off Campus

Litter and garbage strewn around outdoor areas can make communities and college campuses look unsightly. These messes can also be hazardous for local wildlife. College students can volunteer their time to clean up trash on campus or in other areas of their community, such as local parks or walking trails.

3. Support Donation Drives for the Less Fortunate

Donation drives are a good way to provide the less fortunate with items they need, such as canned goods and other foods and necessities like clothing or blankets. Some donation drives focus on helping families during the holidays. For example, toy drives provide holiday gifts for families that are struggling.

4. Help with Non-Profit Fundraising

Non-profit organizations rely on fundraising to support the services they provide to communities. College students can explore opportunities to assist with fundraising events, such as volunteering time to help at these events, raising awareness of these events on social media, or donating money to these organizations.

5. Coach Sports for Local Kids

College students who love sports can volunteer their time to coach local teams for children. For example, they might coach a youth softball or soccer team. This kind of community service opportunity helps college students build leadership skills, communication skills, and teamwork skills.

6. Volunteer at Homeless Shelters

Homeless shelters provide a place for homeless individuals and families to stay temporarily while they look for help. These shelters have different kinds of opportunities available, such as serving food or donating food, assisting at the front desk, answering phones, sorting mail, or providing resources.

7. Help with Blood Drives

Blood drives are an important part of ensuring that local hospitals and healthcare facilities have enough blood supplies for treating injuries and illnesses. Helping with a blood drive can include donating blood, hosting or assisting with a local blood drive, and raising awareness of upcoming blood drives in the area.

8. Volunteer with the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross provides crucial support and services, such as help for those who have been affected by a natural disaster and education on First Aid and CPR for local community members. Volunteers can help this organization in different ways, such as providing disaster services, helping with fundraising, or educating others.

9. Start a Nonprofit

For those with entrepreneurial and leadership skills, starting a non-profit can be a great way to serve the local community. New non-profit organizations might be needed in order to provide a community with support or services that are not currently offered or to ensure that those in underserved areas are able to access services, support, and other resources. Establishing a nonprofit takes time and effort, including approval from state agencies and the IRS, but it could be a rewarding and educational experience.

10. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter/Rescue

College students who love animals can look for volunteer opportunities at local animal shelters or with local rescue groups. These opportunities might include cleaning shelters, walking shelter dogs, or fostering a rescue dog. Other opportunities might include helping with adoption events or raising awareness of pet adoption through local rescue groups and animal shelters.

11. Participate with Political Organizations

Those who have a strong interest in how their local community is governed can look into community service opportunities with political organizations. These organizations can give students a chance to work on causes that are important to their community, such as addressing safety concerns.

12. Lend a Hand at a Soup Kitchen

Soup kitchens look for volunteers to serve food to those in need or assist their organization in other ways. College students can volunteer their time to help out at a soup kitchen, depending on what the organization currently needs. They can also donate food or other items that are needed.

13. Find Remote Volunteer Opportunities

Some college students are unable to volunteer for community service in person due to family commitments, time constraints, transportation, or other reasons. Remote volunteer opportunities provide an ideal way for these students to get involved in community service. These opportunities might include putting writing or communication skills to use for sending emails or letters. Other opportunities might involve helping others via video chat, texts, or phone calls.

14. Get Involved with Religious Organizations

College students who are religious can explore community service opportunities at local spiritual centers and places of worship. These opportunities might include helping out with upcoming church or parish events, such as bingo nights or raffles. Other opportunities might involve helping out with tasks that need to be done on synagogue or temple property, such as landscaping or cleaning. Many religious institutions also organize community outreach events like many of the activities on this list.

15. Host a Charity Event

College students with leadership skills can look into hosting an event to raise funds for a charity they support. This kind of community service opportunity gives students a chance to support causes that are close to their heart. Keep in mind that hosting a charity event might involve a big time commitment, depending on the size of the event.

16. Help with Youth Organizations

Those who enjoy working with kids can look into volunteer opportunities with local youth organizations. These organizations might have volunteers assist with special events or help out with regular meetings and programs.

17. Help Build a House with Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is an organization that constructs houses for those in need. College students who enjoy this type of physical labor and have the skills for it can look for upcoming home-building volunteer opportunities with Habitat for Humanity.

18. Be a Mentor

Although college students are in the process of learning, they can serve as mentors to others. For example, they might be a mentor to a high school student who is exploring college options or they could be a mentor to youth in their community. Being a mentor helps college students build empathy, active listening skills, and other important personal skills.

Where to Find Volunteer Opportunities

College students who are looking for volunteer opportunities can check with local and national non-profit organizations, religious organizations, local government offices and agencies, or other organizations that might need help, such as animal shelters. Some of these places post volunteer opportunities on social media or websites. College students can also check with student groups and organizations at school to see if they have information on upcoming community service opportunities.

If you are looking into degree options for college with a focus on helping others, please contact Post University. Our Emergency Management and Homeland Security students are active volunteers. Additionally, accounting students have volunteered with IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. We offer several undergraduate and graduate degree programs for students interested in a career of serving others, including a Master of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Human Services. Our American Sentinel College of Nursing also offers relevant healthcare degrees.


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