Finding help and guidance when figuring out your plans after high school is important. While you might turn to your parents and friends for advice, make sure you do not overlook another valuable source of help and information in your everyday life. Your high school counselors can provide you with assistance in preparing for college. How do school counselors help students? The following information can help you better understand the kind of assistance you can expect from your high school counselors.
Role of a High School Counselor
A high school counselor provides students with guidance and support to help improve their quality of life. These counselors identify and address behavioral and other issues that can affect academic performance, such as missing too many days of school. They also help students work on the skills they need in order to succeed in school and play an important role as school seniors get ready for college. They can help these students set goals after high school and determine what they might want to study based on their interests and abilities.
How School Counselors Help Students with College Planning
High school counselors can assist students in preparing for college in many ways. From providing additional resources to guiding them through the application process, your counselors can make college planning much easier. When you turn to your school counselors, they should be able to provide you with help in the following ways:
Provide Academic Support
Your academic performance is a big part of your college application. If you are having trouble with certain classes or experiencing trouble learning for personal reasons, your high school counselors can help. Counselors can provide you with the support you need to get back on track and succeed in your classes. With guidance from your counselors, you can improve your study habits, as well, which will help you thrive in college.
Help with Your College Search
Searching for colleges can be time-consuming and might seem overwhelming, especially if you are open to attending school in any location or are unsure about what you want to do. Your high school counselors can help you find colleges that offer programs that fit your skills and interests. They can also assist you in finding schools that are within your budget or schools that offer online degree programs if you are interested in those.
Suggest Extracurriculars to Add to Your Application
Having the right extracurricular activities on your college application can help you stand out from the competition, especially at schools that have a lot of applicants. Your high school counselors can help you choose extracurricular activities that are relevant to your college interests. For example, they might suggest joining the student council or pursuing another leadership role in a club if you want a business degree.
Provide Letter of Recommendation
Many colleges require you to submit a letter of recommendation. If you are unsure about who to approach for this, consider your high school counselor. Your counselor can write a letter of recommendation that highlights your strengths and skills. If you have a specific major or career in mind, your counselor can make sure the information included in the letter is relevant. Having a solid letter of recommendation can help improve your chance of being accepted to a college.
Help You Understand Requirements
Applying for college comes with certain requirements that you will need to meet in order to have your application reviewed. Keeping track of these requirements might be confusing, especially if they differ for each school you apply to. High school counselors can go over these requirements with you to make sure you have met all of them when applying to schools. For example, they can make sure you have an essay to turn in, a copy of your test scores, your letter of recommendation, and a completed application form. Your counselors can also go over each school’s eligibility requirements to make sure you meet them.
Assist in Filling Out Applications
Filling out college application forms involves taking a great deal of care and attention to detail. You will need to make sure you complete every part of the form, since overlooking even one item might cause colleges to reject your application. Ask your high school counselor to go over the application form with you and provide assistance with filling it out, as needed. You can also have them look it over before you submit it to make sure it is complete.
Send Your Transcripts
Colleges need a copy of your transcripts to verify your high school information and assess your academic performance. Your transcript includes your grades, courses you have taken, and SAT and ACT scores. Your high school keeps a copy of your transcript on file, so you can ask your counselor to send these over to any colleges you are applying to.
Connect You to the Proper People
If you have questions about degree programs or need more information from certain schools before applying, your high school counselors can help you get in touch with the right people. For example, they can provide you with contact information for the admissions department at colleges, so you can ask questions and get the information you need.
Help You Stay Organized
Staying organized when preparing for college is essential. When searching for schools and applying to colleges, you will need to keep track of when applications are due, what the eligibility requirements are, what degree programs are available, and other information. High school counselors can help you come up with ways to keep this information organized.
If you have started exploring options for your undergraduate education, contact Post University. We offer several undergraduate degree programs to choose from with flexible online or campus options.
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