Security Report
Uniform Crime Reports
In accordance with the State of Connecticut Campus Safety Act of 1990, Post University annually participates in the Connecticut Uniform Crime Reporting program, and utilizes its reporting methodology. The Office of Campus Safety maintains annual statistics, broken down by semester, on campus crime. The crime rate is derived from dividing the number of reported incidents by the total number of students, faculty and staff. The continuing goal and commitment to the students, faculty, and staff is to eliminate crime on campus. The Post University Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report is available online and a printed copy of the report is available, upon request, at the Campus Security office.
Download the Post University Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report
Also in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Act (Clery Act), the Post University Annual Security Report and Fire Safety Report discloses campus security policies and three years of selected crime statistics, as well as information about crimes that might pose a threat to the community, basic rights that must be accorded to victims of sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking, and the college policy regarding alcoholic beverages and substance abuse.
Post University asks all employees who witness, learn of or hear about a Clery Act crime* to contact Campus Security and report what happened and where it happened; you may identify the victim or keep the victim’s identity confidential. Note that pastoral counselors and professional counselors are not required to report crimes unless they have a legal obligation to report a particular crime.
- Just provide the facts; you are not a detective and should not investigate the crime.
- Don’t worry about categorizing the crime – Campus Security will do that.
- Don’t search for a perpetrator
- Encourage the victim to report the crime to Campus Security. You can contact Campus Security at 203.596.4502 or send an email to [email protected]
Post University encourages students to report an incident of sexual misconduct. You can report the incident to the Title IX Coordinators, Residence Life, Campus Safety, the Counseling Center, your instructors or advisors, or Submit an anonymous complaint online >>
*Clery Act crimes include: Criminal homicide, Manslaughter, Sexual Assault (Sex offenses): Rape, Fondling, Incest Statutory Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Robbery, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Domestic violence, Dating violence, Stalking, Hate crimes (based on race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, gender identity)
For campus crime stats go to: