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Coronavirus (COVID-19) & FAQs

What is Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and FAQs

Learn more about how Post is Responding to COVID-19 >>

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified. 

What is the source of COVID-19?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people, and others, such as canine and feline coronaviruses, only infect animals. Rarely, animal coronaviruses that infect animals have emerged to infect people and can spread between people. This is suspected to have occurred for the virus that causes COVID-19. More information about the source and spread of COVID-19 is available on the CDC’s Situation Summary: Source and Spread of the Virus.

What are the symptoms and complications that COVID-19 can cause?

Current symptoms reported for patients with COVID-19 have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. 

How does the virus spread?

This virus probably originally emerged from an animal source but now seems to be spreading from person-to-person. It’s important to note that person-to-person spread can happen on a continuum. Some viruses are highly contagious (like measles), while other viruses are less so. It’s not clear yet how easily COVID-19 spreads from person-to-person. More information about the source and spread of COVID-19 is available on the CDC’s Situation Summary: Source and Spread of the Virus.

Is there a vaccine?

Currently, there is no vaccine available to protect against COVID-19.

What are the treatments?

There is no specific antiviral treatment recommended for COVID-19 infection. People infected with COVID-19 should receive supportive care to help relieve symptoms. 

Learn about COVID-19 Treatment.

What is Post doing to protect the community?

Post University Health Services, the City of Waterbury’s Department of Public Health, Student Life, and leadership from across the university are meeting regularly to review the evolving situation and current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization (WHO). We are closely monitoring the situation, relying upon federal organizations like CDC and WHO to guide our screening and response protocols, and are taking measures to protect the health and well-being of our campus community. We will continue to provide updates to the Post community through the OurPost website as we learn more. We would also like to remind the community to practice good hygiene and simple guidelines also used to prevent the flu to lower your risk of getting sick:  Flu Prevention 

What should I do to protect myself and others?

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus.

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
I’m sick. How do I know if it is COVID-19 or something else, like the flu?

Symptoms may include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. If you have these symptoms and traveled to mainland China on or after February 3 or South Korea on or after February 24. In addition, if you have had close contact with someone showing these symptoms who recently traveled to mainland China or South Korea during the previously mentioned time frames, it is important to seek advice from a health care provider. 

Anyone with flu-like symptoms should call Post University Health Services, at 203.596.4503, Campus Safety after hours at 203.596.4502 for referral to Student Life, or your healthcare provider for advice. Please let us know if you recently traveled. We will help you determine whether to get assessment or treatment.

I’m worried about someone who might be sick, or might have been exposed to COVID-19. What should I do?

If someone you know has flu-like symptoms, you can encourage them to consult with Post University Health Services, at 203.596.4503. We also advise taking many of the same precautions  recommended when protecting oneself against the flu. 

Is it necessary for Post students to wear masks?

Masks are only recommended for those with symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose), to reduce the spread to others. The evidence regarding using masks for prevention is mixed. The CDC and leading public health authorities are not currently recommending masks for prevention of this virus.  Again, the best prevention that we know of is  practicing good personal hygiene habits

Many of us may see individuals moving about campus with face masks. While Post is currently not recommending widespread use of masks for asymptomatic people outside the clinical setting, we should remember that it is a social norm in many countries to wear a face mask during cold and flu season, and in situations where air quality is of concern. Please know that the wearing of a mask by any member of the community is not a signal of infectiousness nor an invitation for stigmatization. We strongly encourage everyone in the Post community to help to reinforce this sentiment.

How can I keep myself safe?

Practice daily preventative care:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, or dorm room.
  • Practice healthy habits: Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food.
  • Avoid large crowds. Practice CDC’s recommendation for social distancing. Stay out of large gatherings, and maintain distance. Whenever possible to limit the ability of the virus to spread.
  • If you have not received your annual flu shot, please schedule one with your provider to help protect yourself against the flu.
How do I properly wash my hands? This information is from the CDC
Am I at risk for COVID-19 from a package or products shipping from China?

Because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread most often by respiratory droplets. 

If I feel I am being treated unfairly, discriminated against, or harassed due to concerns around this issue what should I do?

COVID-19 is not specific to an ethnicity or race. Racist behaviors or stereotyping are not tolerated at Post University.

If students, staff, or faculty experience harassment or discrimination, they are encouraged to contact: 

  • Students- The Title IX Coordinator at 203-596-6027.
  • Students- Student Life at 203-228-8706, or at their office in the Eagles Nest, Leever Center.
  • Associates and Faculty- The Associate Experience Office at 203-591-7140 or their website
  • Associates and Faculty- Your Manager or Team Lead.
  • Students, Faculty, or Associates- Anonymous reporting at: Misconduct Reporting
I have family members in an affected country or state. Where can I go for help?

For any student, faculty, or staff member who is feeling worried or concerned for family or friends overseas or out of state – the Post Community is here for you. Your safety, well-being, and ability to continue your studies and other activities remain the highest priorities for the entire leadership of Post University.

Students are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center with any concerns- or Student Life. The Office of International Affairs and even your Resident Advisors are there for you.

Faculty and Staff may contact Associate Experience; your team leader or manager; or reach out to the Post EAP Provider

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