Are you a student who wants to receive better grades? Are you striving to pass a difficult class or even trying to get that B to an A?
Well, the Center for Academic Success is available for all online and campus students. It’s aimed at helping students strengthen their academic skills, with offerings that include responsive resources such as webinars and consultations, as well as targeted one-on-one coaching and introductory library walk-throughs.
At the Center for Academic Success, their mission is to “provide an environment that is personal, caring, accessible, and friendly where students can make it their home for academic support.” As Stephanie Dionne, director of Center for Academic Success states “It’s a cozy, welcoming environment. All levels of students visit us for help, including straight “A” students.” It’s important that all students know they are welcome – whether failing classes or getting A’s and B’s – everyone can use an extra set of eyes on a paper or help with a challenging homework assignment.
Online students will get the same benefits using the CAS as campus students. They can make appointments through Blackboard to meet with a tutor via phone call, Facetime, Blackboard collaborate, Google hangouts, or even email communication if preferred.
In addition to the center, changes were made to the 24/7 online tutoring service used by the University. Instead of, students will now use, which has a wider concentration of over 300 subjects, video chat accessibility, and graduate level assistance. Students can also now request a specific tutor if they choose rather than receiving help from a different tutor each time. This option allows students to choose a “favorite” tutor and build relationships with them as they progress through their classes.
While students can receive similar benefits from the CAS and, there are a few differences. The main reason for providing both sources is so students can have help 24/7. TutorMe – the on demand homework service has professionals for every subject, so while some may prefer this option, others may seek out help from a peer tutor at the Center for Academic Success. The CAS provides both peer and professional tutors. Online students who live in the greater Waterbury region can also come to campus to meet with CAS tutors.
With all these changes being made, Assistant Provost Dana Wilkie and Director Stephanie Dionne confirm, “our goal is to make sure our students get a more inclusive experience.”